- Usage example of the SOAPAddXMLSignature function
SOAPAddXMLSignature (Example)
Usage example of the SOAPAddXMLSignature function This example is used to create an XML signature and to add it to a web service request. Caution: This example does not work via a copy/paste. Indeed, SOAPAddXMLSignature takes in 2nd parameter the location where the signature will be placed. This location is described in the WSDL that we want to use, by an XSD type. In this code example, this location is described in "Security.Assetion.Signature" that comes from the WSDL of the web service that we want to call. To adapt this code, we must refer to the WSDL used to find this location. MyRequest is wsRequest MySecurity is Security  // Builds an identifier id is string = GetGUID(guidFormatted) id = "_" + Middle(id, 2, Length(id) - 2)  // Initializes the signature cMySignature is xmlSignature cMySignature.AlgorithmNormalization = atC14NExclusive cMySignature.AlgorithmSignature = asRSA_SHA_256 // Key file OR certificate retrieved by the certificate functions cMySignature.Key = fExeDir + fSep + "mykey.p12" cMySignature.KeyPassword = "password" cMySignature.KeyFileType = tfcPKCS12 cMySignature.Reference[1].AlgorithmHash = HA_SHA_256 cMySignature.Reference[1].URI = "#" + id cMySignature.Reference[1].Transformation[1] = atEnveloped cMySignature.Reference[1].Transformation[2] = atC14NExclusive x509 is xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509 x509..WithCertificate = True cMySignature.KeyInformation[1] = x509  // End of signature initialization dtCurrentDateTime is DateTime MySecurity.Assertion:ID = id MySecurity.Assertion:IssueInstant = dtCurrentDateTime MySecurity.Assertion:Version = "2.0" MySecurity.Assertion.Issuer = "test" MaSecurity.Assertion.Issuer:Format = ... "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:X509SubjectName"   // Adds the signature SOAPAddXMLSignature(MaRequest, MySecurity.Assertion.Signature, cMySignature)
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