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DashDisplay (Function)
In french: TDBAffiche
AjaxNot available
Refreshes elements in a Dashboard control.
// Add an order and refresh the Dashboard control.
// Refreshes the widget of recalls
DashDisplay(DASH_Dashboard, IW_Widget_Recalls)
ToastDisplay("The IW_Widget_Recalls widget was refreshed", toastShort, vaMiddle, haCenter)

Refreshing the display of a wigdet identified by its name Hide the details

DashDisplay(<Dashboard control> [, <Widget>])
<Dashboard control>: Control name
Name of the Dashboard control to be used.
<Widget>: Optional name of internal window or internal page
  • WINDEV Name of internal window to update.
If this parameter is not specified, all internal windows/pages handled by the Dashboard control are updated.

Refreshing the display of a wigdet identified by its index Hide the details

DashDisplay(<Dashboard control> [, <Index>])
<Dashboard control>: Control name
Name of the Dashboard control to be used.
<Index>: Optional integer
Index of the widget to update.
If this parameter is not specified, all internal windows/pages handled by the Dashboard control are updated.
  • DashDisplay runs the "Refresh widget" event for the specified widget or for all widgets displayed in the Dashboard control.
    WINDEV "Refresh widget" is an optional event of the internal windows used as widgets in a Dashboard control.
  • The event "Refresh widget" may not be run immediately: it is run when the user takes control back (end of code currently run or call to Multitask for example).
  • If several calls to DashDisplay are performed before giving control back, the refresh events will be run once only.
Related Examples:
WD Dashboard Training (WINDEV): WD Dashboard
[ + ] The "WD Dashboard" example is an educational example for using the Dashboard control.
This example explains how to:
- handle the control in "edit" mode,
- save/load a configuration,
- configure the control (initial configuration, addition/deletion of widgets, ...),
- refresh a widget,
- etc.
WW_Dashboard Training (WEBDEV): WW_Dashboard
[ + ] The "WD Dashboard" example is an educational example for using the Dashboard control.
This example explains how to:
- handle the control in "edit" mode,
- save/load a configuration,
- configure the control (initial configuration, addition/deletion of widgets, ...),
- refresh a widget.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 19
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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