iPrintingNation (Function) In french: iNationImpression Modifies the current language for the next print (programmed print or report print).
iPrintWord("<<<texte multilingue avec drapeau>>>")
iPrintingNation(<Nation> [, <Charset> [, <Language> [, <Sub-language> [, <Sort mode>]]]])
<Nation>: Integer constant Nation to use. For more details on these constants, see Correspondence between languages, sub-languages, character sets and nations. <Charset>: Optional Integer constant Character set to use: | | charsetAnsi | Roman characters in ANSI standard | charsetArabic | Arabic characters | charsetBaltic | Baltic characters | charsetChinese | Chinese characters (People's Republic of China) | charsetDefault | Uses the computer's default character set. No character set is forced. | charsetEastEurope | Eastern European characters (Polish, etc.) | charsetGreek | Greek characters | charsetHebrew | Hebrew characters | charsetJapanese | Japanese characters | charsetKorean | Korean characters | charsetMac | Mac Roman character set (used in previous versions of Macintosh). | charsetOccidental | Roman characters in ANSI standard | charsetRussian | Russian characters | charsetThai | Thai characters | charsetTraditionalChinese | Traditional Chinese characters (Republic of Taiwan) | charsetTurkish | Turkish characters | charsetUTF8 | Used to manage the countries with two character sets (Hong Kong) and the countries with no character set defined in Windows (Georgian and Armenian). | charsetVietnamese | Vietnamese characters |
If this parameter is not specified, the character set associated by default to the country is used. <Language>: Optional Integer constant Language to use. For more details on these constants, see Correspondence between languages, sub-languages, character sets and nations. This language must correspond to the specified <Charset> parameter. Otherwise, a WLanguage error will occur. This parameter is used to manage the specific features of each country.If this parameter is not specified, the default language associated with the nation is used.. <Sub-language>: Optional integer Sub-language to use. For more details on sub-languages, see Correspondence between languages, sub-languages, character sets and nations. This sub-language must correspond to the specified <Charset> parameter. Otherwise, a WLanguage error will occur. This parameter is used to manage the specific features of each country.If this parameter is not specified, the nation's default sub-language is used.. <Sort mode>: Optional integer New sort mode to use. Only the following sort modes are available. This parameter is not available for the other languages. | | | | Language | Sort mode | Constant | Value | Sort | Value | languageGerman | 7 | Standard | 0 | Directory | 1 | languageChinese | 4 | Phonetic | 0 | Unicode | 1 | Stroke count order | 2 | | Bopomofo standard | 3 | languageKorean | 18 | KSC | 0 | Unicode | 1 | languageGeorgian | 55 | Standard | 0 | Modern | 1 | languageHungarian | 14 | Standard | 0 | Technical | 1 | languageJapanese | 17 | XJIS | 0 | Unicode | 1 |
Remarks - The nation used for printing corresponds to the <Nation> parameter when iPrintingNation is called. This nation is used until a print end function is called (for example, iEndPrinting, iPrintReport or iSequencingPrint).
- If the Nation function is called during printing, the nation initially specified by the iPrintingNation function is abandoned: printing returns to the nation specified by the Nation function.. In this case:
- the text of the reports remains in the language specified with iPrintingNation.
- the multilingual strings are displayed in the language specified with Nation.
- iPrintingNation also allows you to modify the nation used for a group of reports (iGroupAdd, iGroupPrint, iGroupConfigure).
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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