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Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / Types of HFSQL variables
  • Declaring a Record variable
  • Accessing the items
  • Reading and assigning a Record variable
  • Special cases
  • Properties specific to Record variables
  • Functions that use the Record type
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Stored procedures
The Record type is used to handle (modify, save, ...) the values of a record. This record can be a record found in a data file, a query or a view. The variable associated with the Record type will be structured like a record of the database.
Examples of use: In this way, you can store the contents of different records in different variables to compare them or to compare certain items..
// CUSTOMER is a data file described in the analysis
CustomerRec is Record of CUSTOMER

	CustomerRec = CUSTOMER
	// Display the last and first names of the customer 
	Info(CustomerRec.LASTNAME, CustomerRec.FIRSTNAME)
// CUSTOMER is a data file described in the analysis
CustomerRec is Record of CUSTOMER

CustomerRec.LastName = "MOORE"
CustomerRec.FirstName = "Paul"
CustomerRec.City = "PARIS"

// Assigns the content of the CustomerRec variable in the buffer of Customer data file
CUSTOMER = CustomerRec  


// It is also possible to: HAdd(CUSTOMER, CUSTOMERRegister)

Declaring a Record variable

The following syntax is used to declare a Record variable:
<Variable name> is Record [of <Name of data file in the analysis>]
  • If <Name of data file in the analysis> is specified, the record is associated with a description of one of the data files in the analysis. In this case, you have the ability to handle the different record items.
  • If <Name of data file in the analysis> is not specified, the structure of the record will be built dynamically according to the buffer of the file allocated to it.

Accessing the items

To access the items of a Record variable, use the following syntax:
  • To assign an item of the variable:
    <Variable name>.<Item name> = <Value to assign>
  • To retrieve the value of the items:
    <Value> = <Variable name>.<Item name>
Note: When using an Record variable associated with an analysis data file, the code editor automatically proposes the various record headings:

Reading and assigning a Record variable

A Record variable can be read or assigned. The syntax is as follows:
  • To store the buffer of a data file in a Record variable:
    <Name of Record variable> = <Name of data file>
  • To assign the buffer of a data file from a Record variable:
    <Name of data file> = <Name of Record variable>
Note: assigning a variable of type Record to a data file modifies property NewRecord.

Special cases

  • HRecordToString used on a Record variable returns a character string containing the value of each item separated by a TAB character.
  • No compilation error occurs if a Record variable with type on a data file is assigned with the buffer of another data file. Buffers are copied homonymously: only fields of the same name in each buffer are assigned.. The other items will be not assigned.
  • Only JSON serialization is available for this type of variable (Serialize). No deserialization is possible.

Properties specific to Record variables

The following properties can be used to find out the characteristics of a Record variable:
Property nameType usedEffect
AssociatedFileCharacter stringName of the HFSQL data file on which the variable is based.
This property is read-only.
ContentCharacter stringContent of the current record (identical to the result returned by HRecordToString).
This property is read-only.

Functions that use the Record type

The following functions use the Record type:
  • the record found in memory into the data file (query or view).
  • the record found in a Record variable into the data file (query or view).
  • the content of the current record (loaded in memory) to the current data file record.
  • the content of the Record variable to the current data file record.
HExtractMemoExtracts the content of a binary memo item from an HFSQL data file, from a query or from an HFSQL view into a physical file (on disk).
HInfoMemoReturns the characteristics of binary and text memos.
HLinkMemoUsed to associate a file with a binary memo item or to cancel the existing link between a file and a binary item.
HListItemReturns the list of items:
  • found in a data file ( a query or a view) known to the HFSQL engine. The data files defined by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal and HDescribeFile are taken into account.
  • found in a Record variable.
HRecordToStringConverts the content of the current record to string (in a data file, HFSQL view, query, etc.).
  • one or all variables of file items with their default values.
  • one or all items of a Record variable with their default values.
Note: To reset the contents of an Recordvariable, you can also use the VariableReset function.
Minimum version required
  • Version 19
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Last update: 11/23/2024

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