- Properties specific to xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509 variables
xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509 (Variable type) In french: xmlSignatureInformationCléX509
The xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509 type is used to define the information that must be included in the KeyInfo section of the XML signature. This enables you to add the information about a X509 certificate. You can define and change the characteristics of this type of variable using different WLanguage properties. Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable. MaSignature is xmlSignature
Info is xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509
Info.WithCertificate = True
Add(MaSignature.KeyInformation, Info)
Properties Properties specific to xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509 variables The following properties can be used to handle xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509 variables: | | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
WithCertificate | Boolean | - True: the certificate is added to the signature description,
- False: the certificate is not added to the signature description.
| WithIssuer | Boolean | - True: the name of the certificate issuer is added to the signature description,
- False: the name of the certificate issuer is not added to the signature description.
| WithSubjectName | Boolean | - True: the name of the certificate subject is added to the signature description,
- False: the name of the certificate subject is not added to the signature description.
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