dbgOnError (Function) In french: dbgSurErreur Provokes: - an assertion during the test of element or project (Go mode).
- an error in automated test mode.
dbgOnError(<Comment 1> [, <Comment 2> [... [, <Comment N>]]])
<Comment 1>: Character string Text that will be displayed in the assertion window or in the status report of unit test. <Comment 2>: Optional character string Text that will be displayed in the assertion window or in the status report of unit test. <Comment N>: Optional character string Text that will be displayed in the assertion window or in the status report of unit test. Remarks When dbgOnError is called: - in automated test mode, an error is added to the test status report (equivalent to TestWriteResult).
- in manual test mode, an assertion is displayed (equivalent to dbgAssert).
- in runtime mode, an assertion is displayed if the assertions have been enabled (equivalent to dbgAssert).
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