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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / SOAP
  • Properties specific to wsRequest variables
  • Functions that are using the wsRequest variables
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Stored procedures
wsRequest (Variable type)
In french: wsRequête
The wsRequest type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a web service. This type of variable is mainly used to define the HTTP headers used by a web service. EBay and SharePoint web services require this type of HTTP headers.
Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
C is wsRequest
C.HTTPHeader["key"] = "Value"
// Call the web service procedure 
// passing the header and the expected parameters
WebServiceProc(C, param1_WS, param2_WS)
// Displays the request sent

Properties specific to wsRequest variables

The following properties can be used to handle wsRequest variables:
Property nameType usedEffect
ClientCertificateString or bufferCorresponds to:
  • a character string with an access path to the .p12 file that contains the certificate to attach to the request. The certificate will be automatically loaded taking into account:
    • the certificate in the executable library (if it has been integrated into the application),
    • the certificate at the specified location on disk (if the certificate has not been integrated into the executable library).
  • a buffer with the certificate (fLoadBuffer).
If this property is set to an empty string (""), the default certificate is reset to "<None>".
ClientCertificatePasswordCharacter string or Secret stringPassword associated with the client certificate (empty string by default).
New in version 2025
Secret strings: The secret string can be of one of the following types: Ansi string - Latin, Ansi or Unicode string, Unicode string..
To learn more about secret strings and how to use the vault, see Secret string vault.
HTTPHeaderAssociative array of Unicode stringsHTTP headers.
TimeoutInteger or DurationMaximum response timeout (in milliseconds). This property can correspond to:
  • an integer representing the number of milliseconds,
  • a Duration variable,
  • the duration in a readable format (e.g., 20 s or 20000 ms).
This property is set to 20 seconds by default.
XMLSourceBinary/BufferXML source sent to the server.
This property is read-only.

Functions that are using the wsRequest variables

SOAPAddSAMLAssertionAdds a SAML assertion to a web service request.
SOAPAddXMLSignatureAdds an XML signature to a web service request.
Minimum version required
  • Version 19
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Last update: 11/23/2024

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