- Google Cloud Print
- Operating mode on the phone
- Required permissions
- Application in the background: Specific case from Android 10
GglPrintDocument (Function) In french: GglImprimeDocument
From version 27, This function is no longer available, as Google Cloud Print was discontinued. It is now recommended to use the iPrintPDF function.
Prints a document (text or PDF file, images, Word or Excel document, ...) by using the Cloud Print service of Google. sChemin is string = ComplèteRep(SysDirStorageCard()) + "facture.pdf"
IF NOT GglPrintDocument(sChemin)
Error("Le document n'a pas pu être imprimé.")
<Result> = GglPrintDocument(<Path>)
<Result>: Boolean - True if the request for printing was performed (which means if the window for printer selection was displayed),
- False otherwise. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo.
Note: It is not possible to know whether the print launch has been validated by the user..
<Path>: Character string Name and full (or relative) path of the document to print. This parameter can correspond to: - a file found in the application directory.
- a file found on the external memory (SDCard).
- a file included in the application from the generation wizard. In this case, only the name of the file and its extension are required. The file does not have to be extracted beforehand.
- an online resource. In this case, the URL of the resource must be prefixed by "http" (or "https").
Remarks Google Cloud Print Google Cloud Print is a free service that is used to send, on the Google servers, the files that will be printed on the preset printers. Therefore, the print is performed via Internet. To use the Google Cloud Print service: - Configure the printers on the site of Google Cloud Print.
- In the application, use GglPrintDocument.
Operating mode on the phone GglPrintDocument opens several pages in the current application. - If the user is not connected, a page for connecting to Google is displayed. In this page, you must type the login and password of the Google account that was used to define the printers.
- A page proposes the different available printers. All you have to do is select the requested printer to define the print options and to start the final print.
Required permissions This function changes the permissions required by the application. Permission required: INTERNET: this permission allows applications to open network sockets.
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