StoreSortAAF (Property) In french: MémoriseTriFAA
The StoreSortAAF property is used to determine and specify if the sorting defined by the user on a Table or TreeView Table control is kept when an application is closed and opened again. This order is defined via the sort buttons in the table columns. If the sorting order is kept, it will be automatically re-applied next time the window that contains the table is opened,. Remark: This property is identical to the "Memorize user sorting" option in the "Detail" tab of the Table control description window..
IF INT_MémoriserTri = True THEN
TABLE_PRIX.MémoriseTriFAA = True
TABLE_PRIX.MémoriseTriFAA = False
Finding out whether the sort options are stored Hide the details
<Result> = <Table used>.StoreSortAAF
<Result>: Boolean - True if the sort options defined by the user on the Table control are stored.
- False otherwise (default value).
<Table used>: Control name Name of the Table or TreeView Table control to be used.
Modifying the management of the sort options Hide the details
<Table used>.StoreSortAAF = <Storage>
<Table used>: Control name Name of the Table or TreeView Table control to be used. <Storage>: Boolean - True to remember the sort options defined by the user on the Table control between 2 launches of the application.
- False otherwise.
Remarks The sort information is saved with the other persistent information (for more details, see the help about SaveParameter).
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