MapModifyMarker (Function) In french: CarteModifieMarqueur Modifies a marker displayed in a Map control.
MaPosition is geoPosition
MaPosition.Latitude = 43.613708
MaPosition.Longitude = 3.876972
MonMarqueur is Marker
MonMarqueur.Position = MaPosition
MonMarqueur.ActionClick = "ProcClicMarqueur"
MapAddMarker(CARTE_Position, MonMarqueur)
PROCEDURE ProcClicMarqueur(UnMarqueur is Marker)
UnMarqueur.Image = "marqueur_clic.png"
MapModifyMarker(CARTE_Position, UnMarqueur)
<Result> = MapModifyMarker(<Map control> , <Marker>)
<Result>: Boolean - True if the marker was modified,
- False otherwise. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo.
<Map control>: Control name Name of the Map control to be used. If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the Map control to which the current event belongs will be used. <Marker>: Marker variable Name of the Marker variable corresponding to the marker to modify.
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