dbgCheckEqual (Function) In french: dbgVérifieEgalité Checks whether the expressions are equal in assertive programming and in automated test mode. // The function should return 0 dbgCheckEqual(CalcFunction(), 0) Syntax
dbgCheckEqual(<Obtained expression> , <Expected expression> [, <Comments> [, <Parameter 1> [... [, <Parameter N>]]]])
<Obtained expression>: Character string Expression corresponding to the obtained result. <Expected expression>: Character string Expression corresponding to the expected result. <Comments>: Character string Character string in the format defined by StringBuild. <Parameter 1>: Any type First parameter expected by <Comments>. <Parameter N>: Any type Last parameter expected by <Comments>. Remarks - When the expressions are not equal:
in automated test mode, an error is added to the test status report (equivalent to TestWriteResult). - in manual test mode, an assertion is displayed (equivalent to dbgAssert).
- in runtime mode, an assertion is displayed if the assertions have been enabled (equivalent to dbgAssert).
- dbgCheckEqual is used to compare the content of an array passed as first parameter with an array of values ([1, 2, 3] syntax) passed as second parameter.
- When running an application, the expression is not evaluated if the assertions are not enabled.
- dbgOnError allows you to automatically start a WLanguage procedure used to retrieve the comment linked to the error.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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