dCrop (Function) In french: dDécoupe Returns the cropped part of an image. This image is in a variable of type Image.
MyCroppedImage is Image
MyImage is Image
MyImage = "image.png"
MyCroppedImage = dCrop(MyImage, 10, 10, 100, 100)
Cropping an image by specifying coordinates Hide the details
<Result> = dCrop(<Image> , <X> , <Y> , <Width> , <Height>)
<Result>: Image variable Image variable containing the cropped image. <Image>: Image variable Name of the Image variable corresponding to the image to crop. <X>: Integer X coordinate (in pixels) of the top left corner of the area to crop. <Y>: Integer Y coordinate (in pixels) of the top left corner of the area to crop. <Width>: Integer Width of the area to crop. <Height>: Integer Height of the area to crop. Remarks This function triggers a non-fatal error if the area to crop is invalid (area larger than the source image or empty area). Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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