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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Windows functions / Bar Code functions
  • Overview
  • Reading a bar code in a WINDEV application
  • Reading a bar code in a WEBDEV website
  • Reading a bar code in an Android application
  • Direct bar code reading with an Android application
  • Reading a bar code in an iPhone/iPad application
  • Direct reading of QR Code bar codes (BCCapture function)
  • Direct bar code reading (Camera control)
  • Reading a bar code in an image
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to create applications for reading bar codes.
Reading a bar code in a WINDEV application
Reading a bar code in a WEBDEV website
Reading a bar code in an Android application

Direct bar code reading with an Android application

Two modes are available for reading bar codes:
  • Reading bar codes with BCCapture. This function decodes the information stored in a bar code by using the camera of the device.
    • This function opens a new window that displays the preview from the device camera. Then, you must:
      • center the bar code to decode in the relevant area.
      • tap to read the bar code.
    • In Android, the Zxing library is used for decoding bar codes ( If this library is not on the device, it will be automatically available for download.
  • Reading bar codes via the Camera control.
    Simply enable bar code reading in the Camera control. A specific process is run whenever the bar code is read. This process is used to get the characteristics of the bar code read in a variable of type BarCode. For more details, see Camera field: decode barcodes.
Reading a bar code in an iPhone/iPad application

Direct reading of QR Code bar codes (BCCapture function)

Bar codes are read directly by BCCapture. This function decodes the information stored in a bar code by using the camera of the device.
Remark: This function opens a new window displaying the camera preview of the device. Then, you must:
  • center the bar code to decode in the relevant area.
  • tap to read the bar code.
The characteristics of the bar code are then stored in a variable of type BarCode. The value of the bar code is returned by the RoughValue property and can be displayed in a Bar Code control.
For example:
// Capture du code-barres
MonCB is BarCode
MonCB = BCCapture()

// Récupération du contenu du code-barres et affichage
sRésultat is string = MonCB.ValeurBrute
CBA_MonChampCodeBarres = sRésultat

Direct bar code reading (Camera control)

Bar codes are read directly using the Camera control in decoding mode.
Remark: User frames strikethrough code. A specific process is run whenever the bar code is read. This process is used to get the characteristics of the bar code read in a variable of type BarCode. The value of the bar code is returned by the RoughValue property and can be displayed in a Bar Code control.
For example:
// Traitement Décodage d'un code-barres
PROCEDURE DécodeCodeBarre(cb is BarCode)
// Récupération du contenu du code-barres et affichage
sRésultat is string = cb.ValeurBrute
CBA_MonChampCodeBarres = sRésultat
For more details, see Camera field: decode barcodes.

Reading a bar code in an image

In iPhone/iPad applications, it is also possible to read the characteristics of a bar code in an image.
To read a bar code found in an image:
  1. Select the image that contains the bar code to decode. This image can be:
    • an image in an Image control.
    • an image file.
    • an image in memory.
  2. Declare a BarCode variable if necessary. The characteristics of the bar code will be saved in this variable.
  3. Use BCDecode to decode the bar code.
Example of a barcode read by a Web Camera and stored in memory:
// Décodage d'un QR Code présent dans un champ Image
cb is BarCode
cb = BCDecode(IMG_CodeBarres)
IF ErrorOccurred = False _AND_ cb.TypeBarCode = BC_QRCODE ...
		_AND_ cb.ContentType = bcTypeEmail THEN
	Info("Adresse email: " + cb.Content)
Related Examples:
The Bar Code control Unit examples (WINDEV): The Bar Code control
[ + ] Using a Bar Code control
Minimum version required
  • Version 16
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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