| | |
Constant | Description | Used by the functions |
BrowserFullVersion | Full version number of the browser used by the Web user. | BrowserVersion |
BrowserMajorVersion | Major version number of the browser used by the Web user. | BrowserVersion |
browserOSAndroid | Browser started from an Android system. | BrowserOS |
browserOSiOS | Browser started from an iOS system. | BrowserOS |
browserOSLinux | Browser started from a Linux system. | BrowserOS |
browserOSMacOS | Browser started from a MacOS system. | BrowserOS |
browserOSOther | Browser started from another system. | BrowserOS |
browserOSWindows | Browser started from a Windows system. | BrowserOS |
browserOSWindowsMobile | Browser started from a Windows system for mobile. | BrowserOS |
BrowserPlatformAndroid | The user displays the site on a Smartphone running Android. | BrowserPlatform |
BrowserPlatformBlackBerry | The user displays the site on a BlackBerry. | BrowserPlatform |
BrowserPlatformiPad | The user displays the site on an iPad. | BrowserPlatform |
BrowserPlatformiPhone | The user displays the site on an iPhone. | BrowserPlatform |
BrowserPlatformMobile | The user displays the site on a Smartphone (other than the mentioned ones). | BrowserPlatform |
BrowserPlatformRobot | The user is a search engine robot (and therefore indexes the site). | BrowserPlatform |
BrowserPlatformStandard | The user does not use a specific platform (PCs, laptop computers, Mac, ...). | BrowserPlatform |
BrowserPlatformWindowsMobile | The user displays the site on a Smartphone running Windows Mobile. | BrowserPlatform |
BrowserPlatformWindowsPhone | The user displays the site on a Smartphone running Windows Phone. | BrowserPlatform |
BrowserTypeChrome | Type of browser used by the Web user to display the site: Chrome | BrowserType |
BrowserTypeEdge | Type of browser used by the Web user to display the site: Microsoft Edge | BrowserType |
BrowserTypeFirefox | Type of browser used by the Web user to display the site: Firefox | BrowserType |
BrowserTypeGecko | Type of browser used by the Web user to display the site: Browser that uses the Gecko engine (other than Firefox). | BrowserType |
BrowserTypeInternetExplorer | Type of browser used by the Web user to display the site: Internet Explorer. | BrowserType |
BrowserTypeOpera | Type of browser used by the Web user to display the site: Opera | BrowserType |
BrowserTypeRobot | Type of browser used by the Web user to display the site: Robot of search engine. | BrowserType |
BrowserTypeSafari | Type of browser used by the Web user to display the site: Safari | BrowserType |
BrowserTypeUnknown | Type of browser used by the Web user to display the site: The browser used is unknown or the information is missing | BrowserType |
BrowserTypeWebKit | Type of browser used by the Web user to display the site: Browser that uses the WebKit engine (other than Chrome and Safari). | BrowserType |
cookieHTTPOnly | Type of cookie: Cookie that can be retrieved in server code only. This cookie cannot be read in browser code. | CookieWrite |
cookieNormal | Type of cookie: Cookie without specific options. | CookieWrite |
cookieSameSiteLax | Type of cookie: Cookie of type "SameSite=Lax".. This type of cookie is used to prevent Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. The Cookie concerned by this instruction will only be sent if the request comes from the same website or from another site via an external link.. | CookieWrite |
cookieSameSiteNone | Cookie of type "Same Site=None".. This type of cookie is used to prevent Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. Cookies will be sent regardless of the call context. | CookieWrite |
cookieSameSiteStrict | Type of cookie: Cookie of "SameSite=Strict" type. This type of cookie is used to prevent Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. The Cookie concerned by this instruction will only be sent if the request comes from the same website.. It will therefore not be sent on a first visit to an Page on the site, but only on subsequent actions. | CookieWrite |
cookieSecure | Type of cookie: Cookie transmitted in an HTTPS request only. | CookieWrite |