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Remark: These functions are also available in prefix syntax (Captcha functions (prefix syntax)).
The following functions are used to manage Captcha controls:
CaptchaDisplayDisplays a new Captcha in a Captcha control.
CaptchaVerifyChecks whether the value typed by the user corresponds to the string displayed in a Captcha control.
Related Examples:
WW_Blog_AWP Complete examples (WEBDEV): WW_Blog_AWP
[ + ] This example is a site for managing blogs.
A blog is a log or a diary on an Internet site.
It can be consulted by everyone and everyone can write comments.
The author of the blog writes his messages whenever he wants to.
You have the ability to format the text, to include images, notes, etc.
This example is based on an AWP generation so that the site can be referenced by all the search engines.
Furthermore, each blog can e exported in RSS. (Use of the RSS types of WLanguage)
The Captcha control Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Captcha control
[ + ] This example explains how to use the "Captcha" control of WEBDEV.
This control allows you to avoid the automatic inputs in the forms.
Minimum version required
  • Version 16
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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