- Using the Notification type
- Summary table of available properties by notification type and platform
- Properties specific to Notification variables for a local notification
- Properties specific to Notification variables for a push notification
- Functions that use the Notification type
- Reinitialization
Notification (Variable type) In french: Notification
The Notification type is used to handle   the local notifications. - the push notifications.
You can define and change the characteristics of this notification using different WLanguage properties. Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
notif is Notification
notif.Title = "New incoming message"
notif.Message = "Click here to display the message"
Properties Using the Notification type The Notification type is used to manage the local notifications and the push notifications. This help page presents: Remarks Summary table of available properties by notification type and platform | | | | | Property name | Local notification | Notification push | | Android | IOS | Android | IOS | ActionClick | x | x | x | | AdditionalAction | x | | | | ActivateApplication | x | | | | DisplayLED | x | | x | | AlerteUneFois | x | | | | Badge | x | x | x | x | Category | x | | x | | Stopwatch | x | | x | | Content | x | x | x | x | ColorLED | x | | x | | ActivationDateTime | | x | | | Format | x | | x | | LargeIcon | x | | x | | Group | | | x | | Icon | x | x | x | x | ActionLabel | | x | | x | Local | x | | x | | ProgressBarMax | x | | | | Message | x | x | x | x | SecondaryMessage | x | | x | | Priority | x | | x | | Sound | x | x | x | x | Deletable | x | | x | | DropDownText | x | | x | | Title | x | x | x | | ProgressBarType | x | | | | ProgressBarValue | x | | | | Vibration | x | | x | |
Properties specific to Notification variables for a push notification The following properties can be used to handle a notification: | | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
ActionLabel | Character string | Caption for the action button of the notification. | ActivateApplication | Boolean | - True if the application must be displayed in the foreground during the click on the notification.
- False (default value) otherwise.
| Badge | Integer | Number displayed by the icon of the application. | Category | notificationCategory | Category associated with the notification. Notification categories are available from Android 8.0 (API level 26). If the application runs on an older version, the Category property will be ignored. It is recommended to always associate a category with a notification- If the category does not exist when the notification is added, it will be automatically created,
- If the category already exists for the application, the notification will be associated with it.
- If no category has been specified, the notification will be automatically associated to a preset category according to its level of priority. These are the preset categories:
- Min. priority
- Low priority
- Standard priority
- High priority
- Max. priority
The preset category will be created when adding a notification without category for the first time with the corresponding level of priority, and it will use the visual and audio parameters of this notification (vibration, sound, led indicator, etc.). These parameters can later be modified by the end user. If the predefined category already exists, the notification will inherit its properties.
| ColorLED | Integer | Color of LED when displaying the notification. The value of this property is taken into account only if DisplayLED is set to True. The display color of the LED is green by default. This color can correspond to: - an RGB color (returned by RGB),
- an HSL component of the color (returned by HSL),
- a WLanguage preset color.Caution: Some devices do not allow LED color changes or only offer certain colors.. A default color will be used if the specified color is not supported by the device.
| Content | Character string | Custom data of notification. This data is not displayed in the notification. | Deletable | Boolean | - True (default value) if the notification can be deleted by the user,
- False otherwise.
If this property is set to False, the notification will be erased in the following cases: - The application is closed.
- Call function NotifDelete.
- If the WLanguage procedure run on the click (ActionClick property) returned True or returned no value.
| DisplayLED | Boolean | - True if the LED of the device must be switched on when the notification is displayed,
- False (default value) otherwise.
The color of the LED and the frequency of lighting can change from a device to another one. | DropDownText | Character string | Drop-down text briefly displayed in the system bar when displaying the notification. No message will be displayed if this property is set to an empty string ("", default value). | Format | notificationFormat | Display format of the notification when it is expanded. Please note: Notification display in "scroll" mode is only available from Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean, API level 16). The display format will be ignored on the devices running an earlier version. | Group | Character string | Name of the group to which the push notification is associated. If several push notifications belonging to the same group are sent with an identical content while the destination device cannot be reached, only the last notification of the group will be sent when the device can be contacted again by the Google Cloud Messaging server. | Icon | Character string | Path of the image corresponding to the icon associated with the notification. The icon of the application will be used if no icon is specified. | LargeIcon | Character string | Path of image corresponding to the large icon associated with the notification. This icon will be displayed to the left of the notification title and message. If no image is specified, the icon specified by the Icon property will be used. If the latter is not specified, the application icon will be used. Please note: This image can only be displayed in notifications for devices running Android 3.0 or higher (Honeycomb, API level 11). This image will be ignored on the devices running an earlier version. | Local | Boolean | - True if the notification is local to the device receiving it: this notification must not be transmitted to objects running Android Wear connected to the device (for example, a watch).
- False (default value) if the notification must be automatically transmitted to the connected objects.
| Message | Character string | Notification message. | Priority | Integer constant | Priority of notification. Changing the priority of a notification is used to modify its display position in the list of notifications on the device in order for the user to see the most important notifications first. A notification with a high priority will be displayed at the top of the list while a notification with a low priority will be displayed at the end of the list. In some situations, a notification with a low priority can be hidden to the user if other notifications with higher priorities are received. This property can take the following values: - notifPriorityMax maximum priority (example: incoming call).
- highprioritynotification High priority (e.g. IncomingData for an urgent email).
- notifPriorityDefault (default): normal priority (e.g. IncomingData of an SMS).
- notifPriorityLow low priority (example: update notification).
- notifPriorityMin: minimum priority (example: commercial information).
Modifying the priorities of notifications is available from Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean, api level 16). On devices with a lower version, the priority will be ignored: all notifications have the same priority. | SecondaryMessage | Character string | Secondary message displayed below the main message of the notification. Attention The display of a secondary message in notifications is available from Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean, api level 16) onwards. The secondary message will be ignored on the devices running an earlier version. | Sound | Character string | Path of the sound file to play when displaying the notification. To play the default sound of notifications, use the notifDefaultSound constant. This default sound can change from a device to another one. It is possible to play a sound from an audio file integrated into the application (via the generation wizard): simply enter the file name and extension. To associate no sound with the notification, use an empty string ("", default value). | Stopwatch | Boolean | - True to display a stopwatch instead of the notification time. The stopwatch will be automatically started when receiving the notification and its display will be automatically refreshed.
- False (default) to avoid displaying a stopwatch. The time associated with the notification will be displayed.
Attention Stopwatch display in notifications is available from Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean, API level 16) onwards. On the devices running an earlier version, the stopwatch will be ignored and the time associated with the notification will be displayed. | Title | Character string | Notification title. The name of the application will be used if no title is specified. | Vibration | Boolean | - True if the device must vibrate when displaying the notification,
- False (default value) otherwise.
Note: Vibration duration and strength may vary from one device to another. |
Functions that use the Notification type The following functions handle the Notification variables for a local notification:
| | NotifAdd | Adds a notification to the system bar (Android) or notification center (iOS). | NotifDelete | Removes a notification from the system bar. | NotifModify | Modifies a notification currently displayed in the system bar of the device. | NotifPushSend | Sends a push notification to a mobile device (iOS or Android). | ThreadPersistent | Makes a thread persistent. |
Reinitialization You can use VariableReset to reset the content of a Notification variable.
Related Examples:
Cross-platform examples: WM Push
[ + ] This example shows how to receive Push notifications. It calls the PushNotifActive function and returns the identifier to "WD Push Server", which stores it. Then, the "Send Push" example reads this identifier and sends Push notifications to this example.
Cross-platform examples: WD_Push_Server
[ + ] This example is a webservice used to store the identifiers required to sent Push notifications to mobile devices. The "WM Push" application stores the Push identifiers in the database of this example. The "WD Send Push" example then reads these identifiers in order to send the notifications.
Cross-platform examples: Send Push
[ + ] This example allows you to send push notifications to Android and iOS devices. It retrieves the identifiers of the mobile devices in the HFSQL database of the "WD Push Server" example, then sends the notifications via the NotifPushSend function.
Cross-platform examples (WINDEV Mobile): WM System
[ + ] This application is an example of some of the features of WINDEV Mobile available for Android/iOS. The following system functions are used: - NFC - Multimedia control - Brightness - Volume - Wi-Fi - Bluetooth - Toast - Compass - Accelerometer - Camera control - LED - Vibration - Notifications - Drawing functions - Internet
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