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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Web-specific functions / Miscellaneous WEBDEV functions
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WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
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Stored procedures
ajaxPostValueOfControlsThe values of all the controls of the page must be sent to the server. The WLanguage server procedure called will use the values of the controls that contain data entered by the user. AJAXExecute, AJAXExecuteAsynchronous
ajaxStraightCallModified controls are not refreshed in the page.AJAXExecute, AJAXExecuteAsynchronous
ajaxSynchronizeServerVariablesThe Ajax call will send variables with the <Browser synchronized> attribute. AJAXExecute, AJAXExecuteAsynchronous
ajaxUpdateControlsModified controls are automatically refreshed in the page.AJAXExecute, AJAXExecuteAsynchronous
ajaxWithoutLockingAWPContextThe Ajax call will not use the AWP context. Therefore, this context will not be locked. Used to parallelize the Ajax calls on the server. AJAXExecute, AJAXExecuteAsynchronous
colorBackgroundButtonBackground color used for the buttons.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundGeneralBackground color used by default.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundGradientBackground color used for the gradient.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundInformationBackground color used for the information.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundInpurAreaBackground color used for the input areas.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundInvertedInverted background color.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundMenuTabBackground color used for the main menu or for the tabs.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundModificationBackground color used for the modifications.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundNoteWarningBackground color used for the notes and for the warnings.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundRowBackground color used for the rows found in a table or looper.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundSubMenuBackground color used for the sub-menus.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundSubTitleBackground color used for the sub-titles.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundTitleBackground color used for the titles.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundValidationBackground color used for the validations.ColorPalette
colorBackgroundWarningBackground color used for the warnings.ColorPalette
colorBorderButtonColor used for the border of buttons.ColorPalette
colorBorderGeneralColor used for the default border.ColorPalette
colorBorderInformationColor used for the border of information.ColorPalette
colorBorderInputAreaColor used for the border of input areas or selected area.ColorPalette
colorBorderInvertedColor used for the inverted border.ColorPalette
colorBorderMenuTabColor used for the border of main menu or tabs.ColorPalette
colorBorderModificationColor used for the border of modifications.ColorPalette
colorBorderNoteWarningColor used for the border of notes and warnings.ColorPalette
colorBorderSubMenuColor used for the border of sub-menus.ColorPalette
colorBorderValidationColor used for the border of validations.ColorPalette
colorBorderWarningColor used for the border of warnings.ColorPalette
colorTextButtonText color used in the buttons.ColorPalette
colorTextGeneralDefault text color.ColorPalette
colorTextInformationText color used for the information.ColorPalette
colorTextInputAreaText color used for input areas.ColorPalette
colorTextInvertedInverted text color.ColorPalette
colorTextLink1Text color used for the links 1ColorPalette
colorTextLink2Text color used for the links 2.ColorPalette
colorTextMenuTabText color used for main menus or tabs.ColorPalette
colorTextModificationText color used for modifications.ColorPalette
colorTextNoteWarningText color used for notes and warnings.ColorPalette
colorTextSubMenuText color used for submenus.ColorPalette
colorTextSubTitleText color used for subtitles.ColorPalette
colorTextTitleText color used for titles.ColorPalette
colorTextValidationText color used for validations.ColorPalette
colorTextWarningText color used for warnings.ColorPalette
dsAutomaticType of environment: WEBDEV automatically selects the pages to be displayed according to the current platform.. DynamicServingConfigure
dsDesktopEnvironment type: Pages in "Computer" mode are forced. DynamicServingConfigure
dsMobileType of environment: Pages in "Mobile" mode are forced. DynamicServingConfigure
jsEventBeforeUnloadThe event is triggered before unloading the page.JSEvent
jsEventBlurThe event is triggered when the target object loses focus.JSEvent
jsEventBodyThe event is directed to the BODY tag of HTML page.JSEvent
jsEventBubbleThe processing function is called when the event is returned in the target object.JSEvent
jsEventCaptureThe processing function is called when the event is captured by the target object.JSEvent
jsEventChangeThe event is triggered whenever the target object is modified.JSEvent
jsEventClickThe event is triggered by a click on the target object.JSEvent
jsEventDocumentThe event is directed to the document ("document" object of DOM).JSEvent
jsEventDoubleClickThe event is triggered by a double click on the target object.JSEvent
jsEventFocusThe event is triggered when the target object takes focus.JSEvent
jsEventFormThe event is directed to the current form.JSEvent
jsEventGestureChangeThe event is triggered when the user changes the zoom of screen with his fingers (event managed during a display on a phone for example).JSEvent
jsEventGestureEndThe event is triggered when the user stops the zoom of screen with his fingers (event managed during the display on a phone for example).JSEvent
jsEventGestureStartThe event is triggered when the user starts the zoom of screen with 2 fingers (event managed during a display on a phone for example).JSEvent
jsEventKeyDownThe event is triggered when a key is pressed.JSEvent
jsEventKeyPressThe event is triggered when a key is pressed and released.JSEvent
jsEventKeyUpThe event is triggered when a key is released.JSEvent
jsEventLoadThe event is triggered at the end of load of HTML form.JSEvent
jsEventMouseDownThe event is triggered when a mouse button is pressed.JSEvent
jsEventMouseEnterThe event is triggered when the mouse cursor enters the surface of target object. This event affects the target object only. JSEvent
jsEventMouseLeaveThe event is triggered when the mouse cursor leaves the surface of target object. This event affects the target object only. JSEvent
jsEventMouseMoveThe event is triggered whenever the mouse is moved.JSEvent
jsEventMouseOutThe event is triggered when the mouse cursor leaves the surface of target object.JSEvent
jsEventMouseOverThe event is triggered when the mouse cursor enters the surface of target object.JSEvent
jsEventMouseUpThe event is triggered when a mouse button is released.JSEvent
jsEventOrientationChangeThe event is triggered when the device orientation changes (event managed during a display on a phone for example).JSEvent
jsEventResetThe event is triggered during a click on a "Reset" button.JSEvent
jsEventResizeThe event is triggered when the window is resized.JSEvent
jsEventScrollThe event is triggered whenever the browser window is scrolled.JSEvent
jsEventSelectThe event is triggered when selecting the target object.JSEvent
jsEventSubmitThe event is triggered during a click on a "Submit" button.JSEvent
jsEventTouchCancelThe event is triggered when the user cancels the action performed with his or her finger: displaying the Context menu, for example (event managed during a display on a telephone, for example).JSEvent
jsEventTouchEndThe event is triggered when the user removes his finger from the screen to end an action on the screen (event managed during a display on a phone for example).JSEvent
jsEventTouchMoveThe event is triggered whenever the user moves his fingers on the screen (event managed during a display on a phone for example).JSEvent
jsEventTouchStartThe event is triggered when the user touches the screen with one or 2 fingers (event managed during a display on a phone for example).JSEvent
jsEventUnloadThe event is triggered when unloading the HTML form (closing the browser or navigating toward another page).JSEvent
jsInterruptEventActionThe browser action associated with the event is canceled in addition to the interruption of current procedure.
For example, if the current event is a click in a check box, changing the status of check box is canceled.
jsInterruptEventPropagationThe propagation of the event is interrupted in addition to the interruption of current procedure.
If other procedures are associated with the same event on the same object, these procedures will still be called.
mimeTypeBinaryMIME type: Binary content (byte stream).StringDisplay
mimeTypeCSVMIME type: Content in CSV format (*.csv)GglFile type
mimeTypeDOCMIME type: Word file content (*.doc)StringDisplay
mimeTypeDOCXMIME type: Word file content (*.docx)StringDisplay
mimeTypeGglAppsScriptMIME type: Apps ScriptGglFile type
mimeTypeGglDocsMIME type: Google DocsGglFile type
mimeTypeGglDrawingsMIME type: Google DrawingsGglFile type
mimeTypeGglSheetsMIME type: Google SheetsGglFile type
mimeTypeGglSlidesMIME type: Google SlidesGglFile type
mimeTypeGIFMIME type: Image content in GIF format (*.gif)StringDisplay
mimeTypeHTMLMIME type: HTML page content (*.htm, *.html)StringDisplay
mimeTypeJPEGMIME type: Image content in JPEG format (*.jpg, *.jpeg)StringDisplay
mimeTypeJSONMIME type: JSON content. StringDisplay
mimeTypeMultiPartFormMIME type: "multipart/form-data".HTTPSendForm
mimeTypeODPMIME type: Content in OpenDocument format (*.odp)GglFile type
mimeTypeODSMIME type: OpenDocument content (*.ods)GglFile type
mimeTypeODTMIME type: Content in OpenDocument format (*.odt)GglFile type
mimeTypePDFMIME type: PDF document content (*.pdf)StringDisplay
mimeTypePNGMIME type: Image content in JPEG format (*.png)StringDisplay
mimeTypePPTXMIME type: Content in Microsoft PowerPoint format (*.pptx)GglFile type
mimeTypeRichTextMIME type: Content in rich Text format (*.rtf)GglFile type
mimeTypeSimpleFormMIME type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".HTTPSendForm
mimeTypeSOAPMIME type: SOAP content in XML format. StringDisplay
mimeTypeSVGMIME type: Content in Scalable Vector Graphics format (*.svg)GglFile type
mimeTypeTextMIME type: Content in Text format (*.txt)StringDisplay
mimeTypeTSVMIME type: Content in TSV format (*.tsv)GglFile type
mimeTypeXLSMIME type: Content in Excel format (*.xls)StringDisplay
mimeTypeXLSXMIME type: Content in Excel format (*.xlsx)StringDisplay
mimeTypeXMLApplicationMIME type: XML content.StringDisplay
mimeTypeXMLTextMIME type: Text content in XML formatStringDisplay
mimeTypeZIPMIME type: Content in ZIP format (*.zip)StringDisplay
Minimum version required
  • Version 16
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Last update: 07/18/2024

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