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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / External file functions
  • Operating mode in Windows Vista (and later)
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Loads the content of an external file (text, image, ...) in a buffer variable.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)Ajax
MyBuffer is Buffer 
MyBuffer = fLoadBuffer("c:\tmp\MyFile.raw")
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)Ajax
// Read the first 50 bytes of the file from the beginning
MyBuffer is Buffer 
MyBuffer = fLoadBuffer("C:\Dir\Fic.test", 0, 50)
<Result> = fLoadBuffer(<External file> [, <Position> [, <Size>]])
<Result>: Buffer
Content of text file.
<External file>: Character string
Name and full (or relative) path of external file (text, image, ...). A UNC path can be used. This file doesn't have to be in TXT format: binary 0s are allowed.
iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst The file path corresponds to a full path or to a path relative to the current directory (returned by fCurrentDir). This parameter is case-sensitive.
Reminder: On iPhone/iPad, both on the device and in the emulator, the file system is read-only.. An application can only write to its installation directory or one of its subdirectories.
<Position>: Optional integer
Position from which the text file must be loaded. This position is expressed in bytes (or in number of characters).
This parameters corresponds to 0 (beginning of file) by default.
AndroidAndroid Widget Java This parameter is not available.
<Size>: Optional integer
Maximum size of the file to load. This size is expressed in bytes (or in number of characters).
By default, this size corresponds to the total size of the file.
AndroidAndroid Widget Java This parameter is not available.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)

Operating mode in Windows Vista (and later)

If this function does not work properly in Windows Vista (and later), check whether the file or directory used is not in one of the system directories (Windows directory or "Program Files" directory).
In Windows Vista (and later), with the UAC mechanism (User Account Control) enabled, you must have administrator privileges to handle and/or modify the files or directories in system directories (Windows directory or "Program Files" directory).
Programming tip: If you need to manipulate / modify files or directories, without needing administrator privileges, it is advisable:
  • avoid writing to the Windows directory or to the "Program Files" directory,
  • use the system directory of the application (returned by SysDir with the srAppDataCommun constant, for example).
Component: wd300std.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 16
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PdfFileTxt is string = encode(bufferPdf, encodeBASE64)

Tem que transformar o arquivo em buffer e de buffer em text base64


MypdfBuffer is buffer = Decode(textoCode64, encodebase64)

Vc vai ter que materializar o buffer em arquivo

FsaveBuffer(fcurrentdir()+fsep()+”meu.pdf”, mypdfBuffer)

Gerando assim o pdf em disco, pois:

PDF, PNG, svg, jpg, docx, xlsx, bmp são buffers

30 Nov. 2023
Seleciona Imagem e Resize
PROCEDURE SelecionaImagem(Janela, ControleImagem,bResize is boolean)

bufImagebuffer is Buffer

sFile is string = fSelect("c:\", "Selecione uma Foto...", "Todos os arquivos (*.*)" + TAB + "*.*" + CR + "PNG" + TAB + "*.PNG" + CR + "JPEG" + TAB + "*.JPEG" + CR + "JPG" + TAB + "*.JPG", "*.*")

IF fFileExist(sFile) = True

bufImagebuffer = fLoadBuffer(sFile)

sControlTelaImg is string = Janela +"."+ ControleImagem //monta a string do indirection

{sControlTelaImg,indControl} = bufImagebuffer

IF bResize = True




Info("Nenhum arquivo selecionado!")


RESULT bufImagebuffer
23 Mar. 2019
Como usar a procedure SelecionaImagem
IMG_LogoCompany = SelecionaImagem("WIN_GPU_02_Menu","IMG_LogoCompany",True)
23 Mar. 2019

Last update: 09/30/2024

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