LastDayOfMonth (Function) In french: DernierJourDuMois Returns the date of the last day for the specified month.
MaDate is Date
MaDate = LastDayOfMonth(2017, 2)
MaDate is Date
MaDate = LastDayOfMonth()
Getting the last day of a month from a given date Hide the details
<Result> = LastDayOfMonth([<Date>])
<Result>: Character string or Date variable Date that corresponds to the last day of the specified month (in YYYYMMDD format). <Date>: Optional character string, Date or DateTime variable Date for which the last day of the month must be calculated. This date can correspond to: - a character string in YYYYMMDD format (YYYY corresponds to the year, MM to the month and DD to the day).
- a character string in YYYYMMDDHHmmSSCC format (YYYY corresponds to the year, MM to the month, DD to the day, HH to hours, mm to minutes, SS to seconds and CC to hundredths of a second (use CCC for thousandths of a second)). In this case, only the date is taken into account.
- a Date variable.
- a DateTime variable. In this case, only the date is taken into account.
If this parameter is not specified, the current date is used by default.
Getting the last day of the month from a year and a month Hide the details
<Result> = LastDayOfMonth(<Year> , <Month>)
<Result>: Character string or Date variable Date that corresponds to the last day of the specified month. <Year>: Integer Year for which the last day of the month must be calculated. <Month>: Integer Month for which the last day must be calculated.
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