- Photos and videos saved
- Backup directories
- Required application feature
- Application in the background: Specific case from Android 10
VideoStartApp (Function) In french: VidéoLanceAppli Starts the device's native camera application to record a video or to take a photo. Remarks: - Remark: Syntax 2, which uses a non-locking call, is recommended, especially from iOS 8.
- VideoStartApp must be executed in a thread.
- In a WINDEV application, VidéoCapture can be used to record a video or to take a photo with the camera of the device.
- This function is equivalent to CameraRunApp.
sPhoto is string sPhoto = VideoStartApp(viPictureCapture) IF sPhoto <> "" THEN Info("Photo sauvegardée dans le fichier " + sPhoto) END nTypeEnregistrement is int // Laisse l'utilisateur décider du type de capture IF Dialog("Souhaitez-vous enregistrer une image ou une vidéo?", ... ["Une image", "Une vidéo"], 1, 2, dlgIconQuestion) = 1 THEN nTypeEnregistrement = viPictureCapture ELSE nTypeEnregistrement = viVideoCapture END // Lance l'application VideoStartApp(nTypeEnregistrement, CB_VideoLanceAppli)  INTERNAL PROCÉDURE CB_VideoLanceAppli(sChemin is string) // Si le retour vaut chaîne vide (""), une erreur a eu lieu IF sChemin ~= "" THEN Error(ErrorInfo()) RETURN END // Message de fin d'enregistrement Info("Le fichier a été enregistré ici: " + sChemin) END Syntax
Starting the native camera application (locking call) Hide the details
<Result> = VideoStartApp([<Type of capture>])
<Result>: Character string - Full path of file where the photo or the video was saved,
- Empty string ("") if an error occurred. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo.
<Type of capture>: Optional integer constant Type of capture: | | viPictureCapture | Save a photo. | viVideoCapture (Default value) | Capture a video sequence. |
Starting the native camera application (non-locking call) Hide the details
<Result> = VideoStartApp([<Type of capture> [, <WLanguage procedure>]])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the photo or video was saved.
- False otherwise. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo.
<Type of capture>: Optional integer constant Type of capture: | | viPictureCapture | Save a photo. | viVideoCapture (Default value) | Capture a video sequence. |
<WLanguage procedure>: Procedure name Name of the WLanguage procedure ("callback") called when the photo or video is recorded. This procedure has the following format:
PROCEDURE <Nom de la procédure> (<Chemin>) where <Path> corresponds to the backup path of image or video. Remarks Photos and videos saved The photo and video settings (format, resolution, size) are the ones defined in the native camera application.
Related Examples:
Cross-platform examples (WINDEV Mobile): WM Expense Account
[ + ] This example allows you to manage your fees. Let's see the main features of this application: - The input of invoices - Management of foreign currencies - Inclusion of photo document for the invoices - Ability to email the expense account - Ability to track the expense accounts - ...
Business / UI classification: UI Code Component: wd300android.aar
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