- Sending a file
- Sending a form with a file to upload to a WEBDEV Active WEBDEV Page
- Sending a form (HEAD method)
HTTPCreateForm("FORM") HTTPAddFile("FORM", "file[]", CompleteDirp(fExeDir) + "1File.txt", "text/plain") HTTPAddParameter("FORM", "domain", "0") HTTPAddParameter("FORM", "submit", "Send") HTTPSendForm("FORM", "http://Url_to_contact, httpPost, "", ... "Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml, image/jxr; */*" + CR + ... "Accept-Language: en-EN" + CR)
Sending a form with a file to upload to a WEBDEV Active WEBDEV Page sForm is string = "FORM" sURLPageAWP is string = "http://localhost/WW_MYSITE_WEB/FR/PAGE_WEBDEV_AWP.awp" // Value to transmit sValueName is string = "Doe" sFile is string = "c:\My Projects\ToUpload.zip" // Link/Button that performs the process sNameButtonToRun is string = "LINK_VALID" sResult is string HTTPCreateForm(sForm) // Data of the form in the WEBDEV page // Edit controls of the WEBDEV page HTTPAddParameter(sForm, "EDT_NAME", sValueName) // Upload control HTTPAddFile(sForm, "EDT_UPLOAD", sFile) // Be careful with the name of WEBDEV controls: // 1 - we must disable the compression option for the name of controls (..Alias) // for the WEBDEV page (or project) in the Advanced tab // 2 - the names of WEBDEV controls are always written in uppercase // Special controls used to specify // to the WEBDEV application server the button/link to run HTTPAddParameter(sForm, "WD_BUTTON_CLICK_", sNameButtonToRun) HTTPAddParameter(sForm, "WD_ACTION_", "") // Send the form IF HTTPSendForm(sForm, sURLAWPPage, httpPost) = False THEN Error("Failure sending the form: ", ErrorInfo()) ELSE IF ExtractString(HTTPGetResult(httpHeader), 2, " ")[[1]] <>"2" THEN Error("HTTP error:", HTTPGetResult(httpResult)) ELSE sResult = HTTPGetResult(httpResult) IF sResult <> "OK" THEN Error("the form was not processed properly", ... "encountered errors: ", sResult) ELSE Info("Data and file successfully sent") END END END
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Server code of the "LINK_VALID" link in the WEBDEV Active WEBDEV Page //------------------------------------------------------------------------- bufReturn is Buffer // Check the received controls // File to upload? IF EDT_UPLOAD = "" THEN //no bufReturn += [CR] + "No file to upload" ELSE // Retrieve the uploaded file // UploadCopyFile(EDT_UPLOAD....) // Other controls of the form IF EDT_NAME = "" THEN // Retrieve the name ... bufReturn += [CR] + "No NAME" ELSE bufReturn += [CR] + "OK" END END // Response StringDisplay(bufReturn, "text/plain")
Sending a form (HEAD method) sSearch is string = "pcsoft" HTTPCreateForm("Search") HTTPAddParameter("Search", "hl", "fr") HTTPAddParameter("Search", "q", sSearch) HTTPAddParameter("Search", "btnL", sSearch) HTTPAddParameter("Search", "meta", "") IF NOT HTTPSendForm("Search", "www.google.fr/search", httpHead) THEN Error("HTTPSendForm failed and the following error occurred: " + ErrorInfo()) ELSE bufBres is Buffer = HTTPGetResult(httpResult) IF Length(bufBres) > 0 THEN Error("Result buffer") END END
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