Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Archive functions
  • Compression level
  • Error codes
  • Use condition
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Stored procedures
Creates an archive. The created archive is automatically:
  • opened in read/write. If the archive is in CAB format, the created archive is opened in write-only.
  • a single-part archive.
The created archive can be:
  • in standard WinZip or PKZip format (.ZIP extension).
  • in "Cabinet files" format (.CAB extension).
  • in WINDEV format (.WDZ extension).
  • in 7z format (.7z extension).
  • in TAR format (.TAR extension).
  • in TGZ (TAR.GZ) format (.TGZ or.TAR.GZ extension).No archive in "RAR" format can be created.
MyArchive is zipArchive
ResCreate is int
ResAddFile is int
// Create the archive
ResCreate = MyArchive.Create("C:\Temp\")
IF ResCreate = 0 THEN
// Add a file into an archive
ResAddFile = MyArchive.AddFile(...
"C:\MyDirectory\MyFiles\File.pdf", zipDrive)
// Display an error message if the file was not added
IF ResAddFile <> 0 THEN
<Result> = <Archive>.Create(<Archive path> [, <Options>])
<Result>: Integer
  • 0 if the creation was performed. In this case, the archive is opened. In order for this archive to be handled by the user before closing the application, don't forget to close the archive (<zipArchive variable>.Close).
  • An error code (value greater than 0) otherwise. For more details on these error codes, see the Remarks.
<Archive>: zipArchive variable
Name of a variable of type zipArchive corresponding to the archive to use.
<Archive path>: Character string
Path and name of archive (up to 260 characters). The archive extension must be specified:
  • ".WDZ" to create a WINDEV archive.
  • ".ZIP" to create an archive in WinZip or PKZip format.
  • ".CAB" to create an archive in "Cabinet Files" format.
  • ".7z" to create an archive in 7Z format.
  • ".TAR" to create an archive in TAR format.
  • ".TAR.GZ" to create an archive in TAR.GZ format.
  • ".TGZ" to create an archive in TGZ format.
If no extension is specified, an archive in WDZ format is created.
  • LinuxUniversal Windows 10 App Only ZIP, TAR and TGZ (TAR.GZ) archives are available.
  • If the same archive already exists in the specified directory, this archive is overwritten by the new archive.
Universal Windows 10 App The archive path is a full path or a path relative to the working directory of the application (returned by fDataDir).
<Options>: Optional constant
Options for managing the archives:
zipAnsiUsed to force the backup of file names in Ansi format in the Archive file.
This constant is used by default in an application that uses the Ansi mode.
zipHeader64Allows you to create an archive larger than 4 GB on which <zipArchive variable>.ChangePath can be used.
By default, this option is not used. TAR or TGZ (TAR.GZ) archive: This constant is not available.
zipUncompressedThe content of the archive will not be compressed.
Used with the CAB archives, this constant allows you to only use the function for archiving the CAB format.
By default, this option is not used.
TAR or TGZ (TAR.GZ) archive: This constant is not available.
zipUnicodeSaves Unicode file names in the Archive file.
This constant is used by default in an application using Unicode.
TAR or TGZ (TAR.GZ) archive: If this constant is used, Unicode file names are not saved in Unicode in the Archive file.

Archive in 7z format: This parameter is not available.
Universal Windows 10 App This parameter is not available.

Compression level

The files added into a zip archive are compressed by default. The compression level of files added into an archive can be modified by zipCompressionLevel.

Error codes

The following error codes are returned:
  • 1: The path passed as parameter does not exist.
  • 2: Access denied: the user has no sufficient rights.
The message corresponding to the error code is returned by zipMsgError.

Use condition

The maximum number of files that can be included:
  • in a WDZ file: 232-1.
  • in a ZIP file: 65535.
  • in a CAB file: 65535.
Available formats:
  • LinuxUniversal Windows 10 App Only ZIP, TAR and TGZ (TAR.GZ) archives are available.
The size of a file included in an archive (regardless of its format) must be less than 4 GB.
No archive in "RAR" format can be created.
Component: wd300zip.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 24
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Last update: 07/04/2024

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