- Properties specific to hFileParameter variables
hFileParameter (Variable type) In french: hParamètreFichier
Available only with this kind of connection
The hFileParameter type is used to define the data files taken into account by a scheduled optimization task. The characteristics of these data files can be defined and modified using various WLanguage properties. Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
Optim is hScheduledOptimization
Optim.Description = "Recalculating the statistics for the files found in the MyDatabase database"
Optim.Scheduling.Month = "*"
Optim.Scheduling.DayOfWeek = "Saturday"
Optim.Scheduling.Hour = "23"
Optim.Scheduling.Minute = "0"
Optim.File[1].Name = "MaBase"
Optim.File[1].Option = hOptStat
HAddScheduledOptimization(MyConnection, Optim)
Properties Properties specific to hFileParameter variables The following properties can be used to handle hFileParameter variables: | | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
Name | Character string | Name of data file to be processed. This name can correspond to a string of the following type: - <Nom de la base>/<Nom du fichier de données>: Optimization of the "Data file name" file in the "Database name" database.
- <Nom de la base> Optimization of all data files contained in the "Database name" database.
- "*": Optimization of all data files in all server databases.
| Option | Integer constant | Optimization options: - hOptIndex: causes data files to be reindexed. A hot re-indexing operation is performed on the indexes and on the full-text indexes.
- hOptStat: Recalculates data file statistics. The result is similar to the use of HStatCalculate. This process is a hot process.
| Password | Character string or Secret string | Password of the encrypted data files.
New in version 2025Secret strings: If you use the secret string vault, the type of secret string used for this parameter must be "Ansi or Unicode string". To learn more about secret strings and how to use the vault, see Secret string vault. This property is available in write mode. |
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