- Operating mode of dynamic audit
- Miscellaneous
dbgEnableAudit (Function) In french: dbgActiveAudit Enables the dynamic audit programmatically. The dynamic audit report is a ".waudit" file containing erroneous or abnormal behavior, time-consuming operations, ... For example: - the assertions (even if they are not active).
- the non-fatal errors not processed.
- the fatal errors (exceptions), regardless they are processed by WHEN EXCEPTION or not.
- the execution warnings regarding the anomalies of the project (exceeding the capacity of a variable, ...).
- the execution warnings regarding the performance problems (resources found on a network and not found, ...).
- the custom execution comments and warnings.
Remark: If the project corresponding to dynamic auditing is open in the editor, the audit file can be opened directly in the editor: - on the "Home" tab, in the "General" group, expand "Open", select "Open" and select the desired ".waudit" file.
- drag and drop the ".waudit" file from the file explorer to the editor.
<Result> = dbgEnableAudit([<Name of audit file> [, <Options>]])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the dynamic audit was started,
- False otherwise.
<Name of audit file>: Optional character string Location and name of the audit file to create. The name and location of the audit file can be: - fully customized.
- built using the following keywords:
| | [%ExeDir%] | Directory of the executable, always filled with the "\" character. This directory is equivalent to the result of fExeDir. | [%ExeName%] | Executable name. | [%Date%] | Start date of the runtime audit (YYYYMMDD format). | [%Time%] | Start time of runtime audit (HHMMSS format). | [%UserName%] | Name of the current user. | [%ComputerName%] | Computer name. | [%DataDir%] | Directory of the HFSQL data files specified by the user when installing the application. This directory is equivalent to the result of fDataDir. | [%DirUserData%] | Directory for the data of the current user of the current application. This directory is equivalent to the result of fDataDirUser. |
By default: - the extension of the audit file is ".wdaudit".
- the name of the audit file is: "[%RepDonneesUtilisateur%][%NomExe%]_[%Date%]_[%Heure%]".
For example: "C:\Users\Doc\AppData\Roaming\Applications WINDEV\MyAppli\MyAppli_20071023_130812.waudit".
Warning: If you use dynamic string construction (option "Allow "[% %]" in strings" in the "Compilation" tab of the project description, a compilation error appears (unknown identifier).. In this case, each string must be preceded by '-%'. Example:
<Options>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants) Used to configure the options of the dynamic audit: | | AuditAll (Default value) | All the audit events are written into the dynamic audit. | AuditAssertion | The assertions are written into the dynamic audit. | AuditComment | The audit comments are written into the dynamic audit. An audit comment is written by dbgWriteCommentAudit. | AuditEnabled | The dynamic audit is immediately enabled. | AuditError | The non-fatal errors not processed are written into the dynamic audit. | AuditException | The fatal errors, processed by WHEN EXCEPTION or not processed, are written into the dynamic audit. | AuditPause | The dynamic audit is initialized but it is not immediately enabled. It can be enabled thereafter by dbgAuditStatus. | AuditWarningAnomaly | The execution warnings regarding the detected anomalies are written into the dynamic audit. | AuditWarningPerformance | The execution warnings regarding performance are registered in the dynamic audit. | AuditWarningUser | The custom execution warnings are written into the dynamic audit. A custom warning is triggered by dbgWriteWarningAudit. |
Remarks Operating mode of dynamic audit - dbgEnableAudit must be called only once. Any other call to this function will have no effect.
- To temporarily enable or disable the dynamic audit, use dbgAuditStatus.
- To modify the options of the dynamic audit, use dbgAuditOption.
Miscellaneous - dbgEnableAudit can be used in a REST web service.
- You can define any location for the audit file. In this case, keep in mind there may be permission-related issues.
Reminder: The data directory is normally always writable..
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