- Properties specific to sfMergeResult variables
- Functions that use the sfMergeResult type
sfMergeResult (Variable type) In french: sfRésultatFusionne
The sfMergeResult type is used to find out the result of SFMerge. The characteristics of this result are returned by several WLanguage properties. Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable. Properties Properties specific to sfMergeResult variables The following properties can be used to handle the result of SFMerge: | | | Name | Type used | Effect |
Error | Array of sfError | Status report of errors. | ID | Character string | Identifier of the merged object. This property is read-only. | UpdatedRelatedRecordID | Character string | List of Salesforce identifiers of the records that have been modified further to the merge operation (records linked to the merged records). The different identifiers are separated by CR characters (Carriage Return). This property is read-only. | MergedRecordID | Character string | List of Salesforce identifiers of the merged records. The different identifiers are separated by CR characters (Carriage Return). This property is read-only. | Success | Boolean | - True if the merge operation was successfully performed,
- False if an error occurs.
This property is read-only. |
Remarks Functions that use the sfMergeResult type | | SFMerge | Merges the Salesforce records (also called Salesforce objects). |
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