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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Various properties
  • Range selection
  • Changing a time period in a Calendar, Organizer or Scheduler control
  • Special cases
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Stored procedures
The EndDate property gets and sets the selected time period end date:
  • in a Calendar control,
  • WINDEVWindows in an Organizer control.
  • WINDEVWindows in a Scheduler control.
// Retrieve the selected period (Calendar control)
NbDays is int
NbDays = DateDifference(CAL_Calendar1.StartDate, ...
	CAL_Calendar1.EndDate) + 1
Info("Selected period: from " + ...
	DateToString(CAL_Calendar1.StartDate) + ...
	" to " + DateToString(CAL_Calendar1.EndDate) + ...
	" which means " + NbDays + " days")

Getting the end of the date range Hide the details

<End date> = <Control used>.EndDate
<End date>: Character string or Date variable
  • End date of the range selected in the control.
    • In a Calendar control, this date is in "YYYYMMDD" format.
    • WINDEVWindows In an Organizer or Scheduler control, this date is in "YYYYMMDDHHmmSSCCC" format.
  • Date of the selected day if a day is selected,
  • Empty string ("") if no day is selected.
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control used:
  • Calendar control,
  • WINDEVWindows Organizer control.
  • WINDEVWindows Scheduler control.

Changing the end of the date range Hide the details

<Control used>.EndDate = <New date>
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control used:
  • Calendar control,
  • WINDEVWindows Organizer control.
  • WINDEVWindows Scheduler control.
<New date>: Character string or Date variable
End date of the range to be selected in the control.
  • In a Calendar control, this date is in "YYYYMMDD" format.
  • WINDEVWindows In an Organizer or Scheduler control, this date is in "YYYYMMDDHHmmSSCCC" format.

Range selection

To select a time range:
  • in a Calendar control, " Range selection" must be selected in the "Details" tab.
  • WINDEVWindows in an Organizer control, the option "Allow time range selection" must be selected in the "Details" tab.
  • WINDEVWindows in a Scheduler control, the option "Allow time range selection" must be selected in the "Details" tab.

Changing a time period in a Calendar, Organizer or Scheduler control

To change the start date of a selected time period, specify the start date (StartDate property) and the end date (EndDate property). When the start date changes:
  • the end date is automatically deselected.
  • the end date has to be selected (programmatically or by clicking a control date).
To modify the end date of a selected period, simply use the EndDate property: the period is automatically modified..

Special cases

  • The start date of a time period can be identified and changed with the StartDate property.
  • The StartDate property returns the start date of the time period in chronological order. Therefore, if the end date is selected before the start date, the StartDate property returns the last selected date.
Minimum version required
  • Version 14
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Last update: 10/04/2024

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