CalendarOpen (Function) In french: CalendrierOuvre In a Date edit control, opens a popup window displaying a calendar. The edit control gains focus.
CalendarOpen(<Edit control>)
<Edit control>: Control name Name of the Date edit control for which the calendar must be displayed in a popup window. Remarks - CalendarOpen can be used on Date edit controls that do not have a calendar button, or those for which the "Calendar" option was disabled in the context menu.
- The CalendarOpen function can be used on columns in Table fields of type Date: both the Table field and the column must be editable.. Otherwise, CalendarOpen has no effect.
- CalendarOpen can only be used on the Date Edit controls. It cannot be used on the Date edit controls that also display a time.
Related Examples:
Unit examples (WINDEV): The Calendar control
[ + ] Four methods for using the Calendar control: - Using the Calendar control found in the WINDEV toolbar - Using CalendarOpen and CalendarPicker as well as CalendarSelect (multi-selection) - Using ..CalendarButton - Using BankHolidayAdd
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