HTMLBefore (Property) In french: HTMLAvant
The HTMLBefore property gets and changes the HTML code added before the control. Remark: The HTML code generated before the field can be entered in the "Advanced" tab of the field description window. // Modify the style of a button dynamically BTN_DynButton.HTMLBefore = "<DIV style=""..."">" BTN_DynButton.HTMLAfter = "</DIV>"
Finding out the HTML content inserted before the control Hide the details
<HTML content> = <Control used>.HTMLBefore
<HTML content>: Character string Content inserted before the control. <Control used>: Control name Name of the control to be used.
Modifying the HTML content inserted before the control Hide the details
<Control used>.HTMLBefore = <HTML content>
<Control used>: Control name Name of the control to be used. <HTML content>: Character string Content inserted before the control. Remarks This option is available for all the controls that include an HTML code that can be inserted before. This property is not available for the following controls: - HTML control,
- Table control.
- Looper control.
- TreeView Table control.
Related Examples:
Unit examples (WEBDEV): HTMLBefore and HTMLAfter
[ + ] This example explains how to use the ..HTMLBefore and ..HTMLAfter properties. This example allows you to: - Enter the HTML code - View the result immediately