Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Emulation functions
  • Limitations for the controls used
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Stored procedures
Simulates a mouse event (left click, right click, double click, ...).
// Click on EDT_TypeLogin edit control
EmulateMouse(EDT_TypeLogin, emLeftClick, 3, 10)
// Type "MARK" in this control
EmulateInput(EDT_TypeLogin, "Mark", eiShift)
// Click the Validate Button control
EmulateMouse(EDT_ValidateButton, emLeftClick, 5, 5)
EmulateMouse(<Window or control> , <Action to perform> [, <X> , <Y>])
<Window or control>: Window name or control name
Name of window or control on which the mouse event will be performed.
<Action to perform>: Integer constant (or combination of constants)
Indicates the mouse event to simulate:
eiAltHolds the Alt key down during the action.
This constant can be combined with other constants.
For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the diAlt constant.
eiControlHolds the Ctrl key down during the action.
This constant can be combined with other constants.
For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the diControl constant.
eiShiftHolds the Shift key down during the action.
This constant can be combined with other constants.
For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the diShift constant.
emLeftButtonDownPresses the left button.
For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmLeftButtonDown constant.
emLeftButtonUpReleases the left button.
For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmLeftButtonUp constant.
emLeftClickPerforms a left click.
For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmLeftClick constant.
emLeftDoubleClickPerforms a left double-click.
For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmLeftDoubleClick constant.
emRightButtonDownPresses the right button.
For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmRightButtonDown constant.
emRightButtonUpReleases the right button.
For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmRightButtonUp constant.
emRightClickPerforms a right click.
For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmRightClick constant.
emRightDoubleClickPerforms a right double-click.
For compatibility with the earlier versions, you can also use the dmRightDoubleClick constant.
<X>: Optional integer
Horizontal position (or X-coordinate) in pixels where the action must be performed. This position is given in relation to the upper-left corner of the window or control used.
WINDEV <X> and <Y> parameters are optional. If these parameters are not specified, the mouse event to simulate is run in the middle of the window or control.
Java This parameter must necessarily be specified.
<Y>: Optional integer
Vertical position (or Y-coordinate) in pixels where the action must be performed. This position is given in relation to the upper-left corner of the window or control used.
WINDEV <X> and <Y> parameters are optional. If these parameters are not specified, the mouse event to simulate is run in the middle of the window or control.
Java This parameter must necessarily be specified.

Limitations for the controls used

EmulateMouse is not compatible with the following types of controls:
  • Image control.
  • Progress Bar control.
  • Static control.
  • OLE control.
  • Shape control,
  • HTML control,
  • Web Camera control.
  • Conference control.
  • Bar Code control.
  • Internal Window control
  • Chart control.
Caution: EmulateMouse does not work on a non-interactive TSE session.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
Component: wd300std.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 10/03/2022

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