- Multiplying the elements of a matrix by a value
MatFloatMultiply (Example)
Multiplying the elements of a matrix by a value The following code is used to multiply all the matrix elements by 5. The name of the matrix is entered by the user in an edit control (EDT_MatrixName). We assume that the matrix is already created. The existence of the matrix is checked by MatExist. // -- Click code on BTN_MultiplyValue // Checks whether the matrix exists IF MatExist(EDT_MatrixName) = True THEN // Multiply the matrix elements by 5 MatFloatMultiply(EDT_MatrixName, 5) // Error? IF MatError(EDT_MatrixName) = 0 THEN Info("The multiplication was performed") ELSE // Display the error message Error(ErrorInfo(errMessage)) END ELSE Info("The matrix does not exist") END
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