Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / HFSQL functions
  • Example 1: Creating an empty data file that is password-protected
  • Example 2: Creating an empty data file
  • Example 3: Creating a data file while changing its name
HCreation (Example)
Example 1: Creating an empty data file that is password-protected
The following example creates the "Customer" file and protects it by password.
// Create the "Customer" file
HCreate(Customer, "LUCY1999")
Example 2: Creating an empty data file
This example creates the "Supplier" file and specifies its password with HPass.
// Declare the password
HPass(Supplier, "LUCY1999")
Example 3: Creating a data file while changing its name
This example is used to create the data file named "JanuaryStatistics.FIC". This physical file corresponds to the "STAT" file described in the analysis.
// Creating the monthly statistics for january
HChangeName(Stat, "JanuaryStatistics")
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/14/2024

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