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fWriteLine (Example)
WINDEV Example: Transferring data from an HFSQL file to a text file (WINDEV)
The following code is used to write the content of Customer file into a text file. Each record corresponds to a line in the text file. The text file is opened in read/write.
// Declare and initialize the variables
FileNameAndPath is string
FileID is int
ResWrite is boolean = True
ResCloseFile is int
// Select the file name and path
FileNameAndPath = "C:\MyDirectories\File.txt"
// Open file
FileID = fOpen(FileNameAndPath, foReadWrite)
// Display an error message if the opening was not performed
IF FileID = -1 THEN
// Read the first record
HReadFirst(Customer, CustomerID)
// More records to read? Write error?
WHILE HOut = False AND ResWrite = True
// Write the records line by line into the text file
ResWrite = fWriteLine(FileID, ...
Customer.CustomerLastName + TAB + ...
Customer.CustomerFirstName + TAB + Customer.CustomerAge)
// Read the next records
HReadNext(Customer, CustomerID)
// Display an error message if the writing was not performed
IF ResWrite = False THEN Error(ErrorInfo(errMessage))
// Close the file
ResCloseFile = fClose(FileID)
IF ResCloseFile = -1 THEN
// Display an error message if the closing was not performed
WINDEV Example: Transferring the content of a composite variable into a text file (WINDEV)
The following code is used to retrieve the position and style of a window at a given time. This information is stored in a composite variable (WindowStruct). Then, the content of the composite variable is transferred (by address) into a text file.
// Declare the variables
FileID is int
WindowStruct is composed of
HorizontalPos, VerticalPos are int
Width, Height are int
ResWrite is int
ResCloseFile is int
// Create a file
FileID = fCreate("C:\Temp\WindowFile.txt")
// Display an error message if the creation was not performed
IF FileID = -1 THEN
// Retrieve the position and style of the window
WindowStructHorizontalPos = MyWindow.X
WindowStructVerticalPos = MyWindow.Y
WindowStructWidth = MyWindow.Width
WindowStructHeight = MyWindow.Height
// Write the position and style of the window into the text file
ResWrite = fWriteLine(FileID, &WindowStruct, Dimension(WindowStruct))
// Display an error message if the writing was not performed
IF ResWrite = -1 THEN Error(ErrorInfo(errMessage))
// Close the file
ResCloseFile = fClose(FileID)
IF ResCloseFile = -1 THEN
// Display an error message if the closing was not performed
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 08/25/2022

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