- Overview
- Manual installation (not recommended): what you need
- Overview
- Android SDK
- Version of Android SDK required for WINDEV Mobile
- JDK used for Android development
- Gradle
Installing Android development tools
By default, when an Android application is generated for the first time, the generation wizard proposes to automatically download and install all the necessary elements: - Open JDK (on a new computer that uses the Android generation).
- The Android SDK of Google,
- Gradle.
Therefore, these tools are always available in the version adapted to the WINDEV Mobile version currently used. Caution: the first download can take quite long. Note: It is possible to configure the Proxy to be used for the automation download: - in the Android application generation wizard.
- in the options of WINDEV Mobile ("Proxy" tab).
These elements can also be installed manually. This type of setup is not recommended because the versions of the different tools can be out of phase with the version expected by WINDEV Mobile. Manual installation (not recommended): what you need Overview To develop Android applications with WINDEV Mobile, you must install: - The JDK: The JDK (Java Development Kit) distributed by Oracle is used to compile the generated Java files.
- The Google Android SDK: The Android SDK (Software Development Kit) is a set of files and applications distributed by Google to allow applications to be compiled for Android.
- Gradle: This tool is required to compile and generate Android applications.
- On some devices, additional files must be installed in order for the device to be properly detected by the SDK and WINDEV Mobile.
When creating a project or a project configuration for Android, the path of the Android SDK must be specified. Android SDK - Click "Download the SDK Now".
- Download the SDK for Windows.
Important These addresses are valid at the time of writing. How do I install the Android SDK? The following procedure must be used: - Decompress the downloaded file in a folder at the root of drive "C:" to avoid a Windows virtualization. For example: "C:\Android\".
- Open the folder with the Windows explorer.
- Run "SDK Manager.exe". This program is used to install the existing versions of the Android SDK as well as their updates.
Note: You may need to add the path of the "Tools" subdirectory to your workstation's PATH.. To do this: - Display the properties of working computer.
- On the "Advanced" tab, click the "Environment variables" button.
- Select "PATH" in the system variables and click "Modify".
- Add the full path of "Tools" directory.
Remark: The "SDK Manager.exe" program may display the following error message: "Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml, reason: HTTPS SSL error. You might want to force download through HTTP in the settings.". This message indicates that the manager of Android SDK did not manage to establish an HTTPS connection to download the SDK components. To solve this problem, you must: - Click "Settings" in the list on the left of window.
- Check "Force https://... source to be fetched using http://".
- Click "Save & Apply".
Version of Android SDK required for WINDEV Mobile The Android SDK version 7.0 (or later) is required by WINDEV Mobile. This version allows you to develop applications for Android 7.0 and later. If a more recent version is installed, WINDEV Mobile will use this version. The generated applications will remain compatible with Android version 6.0. Note To take advantage of Android platform detection from WINDEV Mobile, we also recommend installing the "USB Driver" package. Please note: If you are not using the automatic Android SDK download functionthe following array shows the various elements required. The following elements are required to generate applications with WINDEV Mobile: | | | | | | | For WINDEV Mobile: | 25 up to 26 "Update 1" | 26 from "Update 2" | 28 | 2024 | 2025 | 2025 Update 1 | Android SDK Tools | 26.1.1 | 26.1.1 | 28 | 28 | 34.5 | Obsolete | Android Platform-Tools | 29.0.5 | 31.0.1 | | | | 34 | Android SDK Build-Tools | 29.0.2 | 30.0.3 | | | 34 | 34 | Android Support Repository | 47 | | | | | 47 | Google Repository | 58 | | | | | 58 | Runtime and compilation versions | | | | | | | | WINDEV Mobile version | 24 "Update 4" to 25 "Update 3" | 25 "Update 4" to 26 "Update 2" | 26 "Update 3" to 27 "Update 3" | 27 "Update 4" to 28 | 28 | From 2024 | From 2025 Update 1 | Compilation version | Android 9 API Level 28 | Android 10 API Level 29 | Android 11 API Level 30 | Android 12 API Level 31 | Android 12 API Level 31 | Android 12 API Level 34 | Android 15 API Level 35 | Runtime version | Android 5.0 minimum | Android 5.0 minimum | Android 5.0 minimum | Android 5.0 minimum | Android 6.0 minimum | Android 6.0 minimum | Android 7.0 minimum |
The Android SDK runs on Windows Vista and later 64-bit versions. Using Windows 10 is highly recommended. JDK used for Android development Where can I find the JDK?
You can download: JDK version to install:
| | | | | | WINDEV Mobile 25 from version "Update 2" and later | WINDEV Mobile 27 | From WINDEV Mobile 28 | A part of WINDEV Mobike 25 Update 1 | JDK version | 1.8 or 10 | 11 (available only in 64-bit mode) | 16.02 (available only in 64-bit mode) | 17 (available only in 64-bit mode) | Remarks: - The JDK is sufficient. There is no need to download the versions that include addition modules (JavaFX or NetBeans for example).
- The JDK 8 is sometimes called JDK 1.8. These two names identify the same product.
- The 64-bit version of the JDK must be installed.
- If several JDKs are installed to meet specific requirements, the Android application generation wizard allows you to select the JDK to use for compilation in the "Configuration" step:
- Click "Advanced configuration".
- In the window that appears, in "Java compiler command, select "Custom...".
- Select the Java compiler to use.
- Validate the window and continue with the application generation wizard.
Gradle Where can I find Gradle? Compiling Android projects with WINDEV Mobile 2025 works with Gradle version 8.9. Gradle can be downloaded from the following site: http://gradle.org/gradle-download/. The version currently available for download is higher than version 8.9, which is required for WINDEV Mobile. - In "Older releases", click "releases page".
- On the page that appears, select version 8.9.
- Click on "Binary-only".
- A Zip file is downloaded.
- Unzip the archive files in a directory of the development computer.