New WINDEV Mobile 2025 feature!
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Help / New features / New features in version 2025
  • Overview
  • New WLanguage functions
  • Improved WLanguage functions
  • New WLanguage properties
  • Improved WLanguage properties
  • New advanced types of WLanguage
  • Improved advanced WLanguage types
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AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Version 2025 includes new and improved functions, properties and data types.
New WLanguage functions
Android New WLanguage functions for Android:
AuthLogoutLogs out a user previously authenticated via:
  • the OAuth 2.0 protocol on any web service.
  • the OpenID protocol on any web service.
  • a JSON Web Token (JWT).
AuthRevokeTokenRevokes a JSON Web Token (JWT).
AuthVérifieAuthentificationChecks the validity of the current user's token in the case of SSO authentication.
Belgium.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a Belgian tax number.
Brazil.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a Brazilian tax number.
Canada.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a Canadian tax number.
ComboCloseCloses the drop-down list in a Combo Box control (simple or multi-column Combo Box control).
ControlRectangleReturns a rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
DayOfYearToDateTakes the number of a day in the year and returns the corresponding date in "YYYYMMDD" format.
dpDriveConnectCreates a connection to Dropbox.
fOpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
fTempFileReturns the name of a unique temporary file.
Germany.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a German tax number.
grCategoryTagInitialize a category image with an image (thumbnail) in Sector, Doughnut or Hemicycle type charts.
grParameterRetrieves or modifies a chart parameter.
grPIImageDefines the image used to illustrate data in a "Percentage imaged" graph.
grPIVMaximumValueAllows you to specify the maximum graph value for automatic calculation of percentages in a "Percentage imaged" graph.
HExportCSVExports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), a view or a query to a CSV file.
HExportJSONStringExports the records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to a JSON string.
HExportXLSExports records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to an Excel file (XLSX).
HImportCSVImports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HImportXLSImports an XLS file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HRplAddFileAdds a data file to a universal replication.
iInitReportVersoInitializes the parameters of a report to be printed on the verso side of another report.
Italy.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of an Italian tax number.
La fonction crée une assertion JWT.
Structure d'une assertion JWT Un JWT est constitué de trois parties séparées par des points (.).
1) Le header (En-tête) Contient des métadonnées telles que le type de token (JWT) et l'algorithme de signature utilisé (par exemple, HS256 ou RS256).
Exemple de JSON :
{ "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" }
2) Le payload (Charge utile) : Contient les claims (déclarations), c'est-à-dire les informations à transmettre. Il peut s'agir de : Claims standards (par exemple : iss pour l'émetteur, exp pour la date d'expiration). Claims personnalisés selon les besoins.
Exemple de JSON :
{ "sub": "1234567890", "name": "John Doe", "admin": true, "iat": 1516239022 }
3) La signature : Garantit l'intégrité du token. Elle est calculée à partir du header et du payload à l'aide d'une clé secrète (pour HMAC) ou d'une paire de clés privée/publique (pour RSA ou ECDSA).
LooperAddBeginningAdds a row at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position.
LooperAddIWBeginningAdds a row consisting of an internal window at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position.
NearbyShareAcceptConnectionAccepts a connection request from a nearby device.
NearbyShareDisconnectCloses the connection with a nearby device.
NearbyShareDiscoverDeviceDiscovers nearby devices that have advertised themselves and are waiting to connect ("advertisers").
NearbyShareRejectConnectionRejects a connection request from a nearby device.
NearbyShareRequestConnectionSends a connection request to a nearby device.
NearbyShareSendSends data (binary buffer) to one or more nearby devices to which the current device is connected.
NearbyShareSendFileSends a file to one or more nearby devices to which the current device is connected.
NearbyShareStopAllStops all current nearby share tasks:
  • stop waiting for connections (advertising),
  • stop searching for nearby devices (discovery),
  • disconnect all currently connected devices.
NearbyShareStopDiscoveryStops searching for nearby devices (i.e., stops discovery).
NearbyShareStopWaitingStops waiting for other nearby devices to connect (i.e., stops advertising).
NearbyShareWaitForConnectionMakes the device visible to nearby devices in discovery mode (via NearbyShareDiscoverDevice) and waits for their connection request.
OpenIDReadIdentityRetrieves the identity of a user contained in an AuthToken variable.
PaletteChangeChanges the palette used by the project or by a window.
PaletteGenerateGenerates a palette from a base color.
PaletteGetGets the palette currently used by the project or window.
PaletteLoadLoads a palette from a .wdpalette file.
PaletteSaveSaves a palette to a file.
PDFAddImageAdds an image to a page in an existing PDF file.
PDFAddWatermarkAdds a watermark to all or some pages of an existing PDF file.
PDFExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
PDFGetSignatureGets the signature of a PDF document as a buffer.
PDFGetSignatureDateGets the date of one of the signatures of a PDF document.
PDFNbSignaturesGets the number of signatures in a PDF document.
RegexMatchChecks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression.
RegexReplaceReplaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
RegexSearchSearches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
ScanFromCameraToImageOpens a specific window for scanning one or more documents using the phone or tablet camera.
ScanFromCameraToPDFOpens a special window for scanning one or more documents as a PDF file using the phone's (or tablet's) camera.
SegmentedButtonAddAdds a new option (i.e. a new button) to a Segmented Button control.
SegmentedButtonDeleteDeletes an option from a Segmented Button control.
SegmentedButtonDeleteAllDeletes all the options from a Segmented Button control.
SegmentedButtonInsertInserts a new option into a Segmented Button control.
SMSDetectOneTimeCodeAutomatically populates an Edit control with a one-time code received by SMS.
Spain.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a Spanish tax number.
Switzerland.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a Swiss tax number.
TableAddBeginningAdds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change.
tapiGetNumberOpens a window that allows sharing the user's phone number(s).
UnitedStates.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a US tax number.
WinInHeightReturns the interior height of a window (without title bar and border).
WinInWidthReturns the interior width of a window (without borders).
WinInXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the client area of a window (without border and title bar), in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
WinInYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the client area of a window (without border and title bar), in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
WinOutHeightReturns the outer height of a window.
WinOutWidthReturns the outer width of a window.
WinOutXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
WinOutYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
xlsAddWorksheetAdds or inserts a new worksheet into an Excel document.
xlsCloseCloses an XLS file.
xlsColumnTitleRetrieves the title of a column found in an XLS file.
xlsColumnTypeReturns the type of data entered in a column of an XLS file.
xlsCoordinatesToNameRetrieves the name of a cell, XLS worksheet or Spreadsheet control according to its coordinates.
xlsCurrentWorksheetUsed to find out and modify the current worksheet in an XLS file.
xlsDataRetrieves the content of a cell found in an XLS file.
xlsDeleteWorksheetDeletes a worksheet from the Excel document.
xlsGetMergeDetermines if a cell is merged with other cells and gets the merged cell range.
xlsMergeCellMerges the specified cells in an Excel document.
xlsMsgErrorReturns the caption of the last error caused by an XLS function.
xlsNameToCoordinatesReturns the coordinates of a cell, XLS file or spreadsheet control according to its name.
xlsNbColumnReturns the number of columns found in a worksheet of an XLS file.
xlsNbRowReturns the number of rows found in an XLS file.
xlsNbWorksheetReturns the number of worksheets found in an XLS file.
xlsOpenOpens an Excel file (xls or xlsx files).
xlsRecalculateAllRecalculates all formulas in an Excel (XLSX) document.
xlsSaveSaves an XLS document.
xlsUnmergeCellUnmerges a range of cells.
xlsVersionReturns the Excel version that was used to save the file.
New WLanguage functions for Android (prefix syntax):
<ANSI string>.RegexMatchChecks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression.
<ANSI string>.RegexReplaceReplaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<ANSI string>.RegexSearchSearches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<AuthToken variable>.OpenIDReadIdentityRetrieves the identity of a user contained in an AuthToken variable.
<AuthToken>.LogoutUser logout.
<AuthToken>.RevokeRevokes a JSON Web Token (JWT).
<Chart>.ParameterRetrieves or modifies a chart parameter.
<Combo box>.CloseForces the closing of the drop-down list in a Combo Box control (simple or multi-column Combo Box).
<Control>.RectangleReturns the coordinates of the rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
<DiskFile variable>.OpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
<Graphe>.PIImageDefines the image used to illustrate data in a "Percentage imaged" graph.
<Graphe>PIVMaximumValueAllows you to specify the maximum graph value for automatic calculation of percentages in a "Percentage imaged" graph.
<Graphe>VignetteCategoryInitialize a category image with an image (thumbnail) in Sector, Doughnut or Hemicycle type charts.
<Image>.AnimationChangeTypeChange le type d'animation d'une image dans un champ Image.
<Image>.AnimationSetParameterChanges one of the animation parameters used for a moving image (in an Image field).
<Image>AnimationGetParameterReads the value of one of the animation parameters defined for an Image field.
<Libellé>.AnimationChangeParamètreChange un des paramètres d'animation utilisé pour un texte animé (dans un champ Libellé).
<Libellé>.AnimationGetParameterReads the value of one of the animation parameters defined for a Static Text control.
<Libellé>.AnimationSetModeChanges the animation type of text in a Static Text control.
<Looper>.AddBeginningAdds a row at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position.
<Looper>.AddIWBeginningAdds a row consisting of an internal window at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position.
<Palette variable>.GenerateGenerates a palette from a base color.
<Palette variable>.LoadLoads a palette from a .wdpalette file.
<Palette variable>.SaveSaves a palette to a file.
<pdfDocument variable>.AddWatermarkAdds a watermark to all the pages of an existing PDF file.
<pdfDocument variable>.ExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
<pdfDocument variable>.GetSignatureGets the signature of a PDF document as a buffer.
<pdfDocument variable>.GetSignatureDateGets the date of one of the signatures of a PDF document.
<pdfDocument variable>.NbSignaturesGets the number of signatures in a PDF document.
<pdfPage variable>.AddImageAdds an image to a page in an existing PDF file.
<pdfPage variable>.AddWatermarkAdds a watermark to a page of an existing PDF file.
<Report>.InitReportVersoInitializes the parameters of a report to be printed on the verso side of another report.
<Segmented Button>.AddAdds a new option (i.e. a new button) to a Segmented Button control.
<Segmented Button>.DeleteDeletes an option from a Segmented Button control.
<Segmented Button>.DeleteAllDeletes all the options from a Segmented Button control.
<Segmented Button>.InsertInserts a new option into a Segmented Button control.
<Source>.ExportCSVExports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), a view or a query to a CSV file.
<Source>.ExportXLSExports records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to an Excel file (XLSX).
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
<Source>.ImportXLSImports an XLS file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
<Source>ExportJSON StringExports the records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to a JSON string.
<Table>.AddBeginningAdds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change.
<Unicode string>.RegexMatchChecks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression.
<Unicode string>.RegexReplaceReplaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<Unicode string>.RegexSearchSearches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<Window>.InHeightReturns the interior height of a window (without title bar and border).
<Window>.InWidthReturns the interior width of a window (without borders).
<Window>.InXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the client area of a window (without border and title bar), in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.InYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the client area of a window (without border and title bar), in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.OutHeightReturns the outer height of a window.
<Window>.OutWidthReturns the outer width of a window.
<Window>.OutXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.OutYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<xlsDocument variable>.AddWorksheetAdds or inserts a new worksheet into an Excel document.
<xlsDocument variable>.CloseCloses an XLS file.
<xlsDocument variable>.DeleteWorksheetDeletes a worksheet from the Excel document.
<xlsDocument variable>.GetMergeDetermines if a cell is merged with other cells and gets the merged cell range.
<xlsDocument variable>.MergeCellMerges the specified cells in an Excel document.
<xlsDocument variable>.RecalculateAllRecalculates all formulas in an Excel (XLSX) document.
<xlsDocument variable>.SaveSaves an XLS document.
<xlsDocument variable>.UnmergeCellUnmerges a given cell.
Android Widget New WLanguage functions for Android widget mode:
AnimationSetModeChanges the type of animation:
  • for an image in an Image control.
  • for a text in a static text control.
AuthLogoutLogs out a user previously authenticated via:
  • the OAuth 2.0 protocol on any web service.
  • the OpenID protocol on any web service.
  • a JSON Web Token (JWT).
AuthRevokeTokenRevokes a JSON Web Token (JWT).
Belgium.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a Belgian tax number.
Brazil.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a Brazilian tax number.
Canada.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a Canadian tax number.
ComboCloseCloses the drop-down list in a Combo Box control (simple or multi-column Combo Box control).
DayOfYearToDateTakes the number of a day in the year and returns the corresponding date in "YYYYMMDD" format.
fOpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
fTempFileReturns the name of a unique temporary file.
Germany.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a German tax number.
grCategoryTagInitialize a category image with an image (thumbnail) in Sector, Doughnut or Hemicycle type charts.
HExportCSVExports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), a view or a query to a CSV file.
HExportXLSExports records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to an Excel file (XLSX).
HImportCSVImports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HImportXLSImports an XLS file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HRplAddFileAdds a data file to a universal replication.
iInitReportVersoInitializes the parameters of a report to be printed on the verso side of another report.
Italy.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of an Italian tax number.
La fonction crée une assertion JWT.
Structure d'une assertion JWT Un JWT est constitué de trois parties séparées par des points (.).
1) Le header (En-tête) Contient des métadonnées telles que le type de token (JWT) et l'algorithme de signature utilisé (par exemple, HS256 ou RS256).
Exemple de JSON :
{ "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" }
2) Le payload (Charge utile) : Contient les claims (déclarations), c'est-à-dire les informations à transmettre. Il peut s'agir de : Claims standards (par exemple : iss pour l'émetteur, exp pour la date d'expiration). Claims personnalisés selon les besoins.
Exemple de JSON :
{ "sub": "1234567890", "name": "John Doe", "admin": true, "iat": 1516239022 }
3) La signature : Garantit l'intégrité du token. Elle est calculée à partir du header et du payload à l'aide d'une clé secrète (pour HMAC) ou d'une paire de clés privée/publique (pour RSA ou ECDSA).
OpenIDReadIdentityRetrieves the identity of a user contained in an AuthToken variable.
PDFAddImageAdds an image to a page in an existing PDF file.
PDFAddWatermarkAdds a watermark to all or some pages of an existing PDF file.
PDFExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
PDFGetSignatureGets the signature of a PDF document as a buffer.
PDFGetSignatureDateGets the date of one of the signatures of a PDF document.
PDFNbSignaturesGets the number of signatures in a PDF document.
RegexMatchChecks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression.
RegexReplaceReplaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
RegexSearchSearches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
Spain.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a Spanish tax number.
Switzerland.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a Swiss tax number.
UnitedStates.CheckTaxNumberChecks the validity of a US tax number.
New WLanguage functions for Android widget mode (prefix syntax):
<ANSI string>.RegexMatchChecks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression.
<ANSI string>.RegexReplaceReplaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<ANSI string>.RegexSearchSearches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<AuthToken variable>.OpenIDReadIdentityRetrieves the identity of a user contained in an AuthToken variable.
<AuthToken>.LogoutUser logout.
<AuthToken>.RevokeRevokes a JSON Web Token (JWT).
<Combo box>.CloseForces the closing of the drop-down list in a Combo Box control (simple or multi-column Combo Box).
<DiskFile variable>.OpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
<Graphe>VignetteCategoryInitialize a category image with an image (thumbnail) in Sector, Doughnut or Hemicycle type charts.
<pdfDocument variable>.AddWatermarkAdds a watermark to all the pages of an existing PDF file.
<pdfDocument variable>.ExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
<pdfDocument variable>.GetSignatureGets the signature of a PDF document as a buffer.
<pdfDocument variable>.GetSignatureDateGets the date of one of the signatures of a PDF document.
<pdfDocument variable>.NbSignaturesGets the number of signatures in a PDF document.
<pdfPage variable>.AddImageAdds an image to a page in an existing PDF file.
<pdfPage variable>.AddWatermarkAdds a watermark to a page of an existing PDF file.
<Report>.InitReportVersoInitializes the parameters of a report to be printed on the verso side of another report.
<Source>.ExportCSVExports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), a view or a query to a CSV file.
<Source>.ExportXLSExports records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to an Excel file (XLSX).
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
<Source>.ImportXLSImports an XLS file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
<Unicode string>.RegexMatchChecks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression.
<Unicode string>.RegexReplaceReplaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
<Unicode string>.RegexSearchSearches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format.
iPhone/iPad New WLanguage functions for iPhone/iPad:
AnimationSetModeChanges the type of animation:
  • for an image in an Image control.
  • for a text in a static text control.
AppointmentCreateOpens a new appointment window in the device's native calendar application.
AuthIntrospecteTokenIntrospect an Oauth token.
AuthRecoverUserInfoRetrieves user information from an access token.
AuthRevokeTokenRevokes a JSON Web Token (JWT).
AuthVérifieAuthentificationChecks the validity of the current user's token in the case of SSO authentication.
ControlRectangleReturns a rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
DayOfYearToDateTakes the number of a day in the year and returns the corresponding date in "YYYYMMDD" format.
dpDriveConnectCreates a connection to Dropbox.
fOpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
fTempFileReturns the name of a unique temporary file.
grCategoryTagInitialize a category image with an image (thumbnail) in Sector, Doughnut or Hemicycle type charts.
grPIImageDefines the image used to illustrate data in a "Percentage imaged" graph.
grPIVMaximumValueAllows you to specify the maximum graph value for automatic calculation of percentages in a "Percentage imaged" graph.
HImportCSVImports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HListHistoryPlanningLists the execution history of a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view).
HRplAddFileAdds a data file to a universal replication.
HS DeleteAllHistoryPlanningPurge the entire execution history of scheduled elements on an HFSQL server.
HSuppressHistoryPlanningDeletes the execution history of a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view.).
iAddBookmarkAdds a bookmark in the report viewer or when exporting to PDF.
iInitReportVersoInitializes the parameters of a report to be printed on the verso side of another report.
La fonction crée une assertion JWT.
Structure d'une assertion JWT Un JWT est constitué de trois parties séparées par des points (.).
1) Le header (En-tête) Contient des métadonnées telles que le type de token (JWT) et l'algorithme de signature utilisé (par exemple, HS256 ou RS256).
Exemple de JSON :
{ "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" }
2) Le payload (Charge utile) : Contient les claims (déclarations), c'est-à-dire les informations à transmettre. Il peut s'agir de : Claims standards (par exemple : iss pour l'émetteur, exp pour la date d'expiration). Claims personnalisés selon les besoins.
Exemple de JSON :
{ "sub": "1234567890", "name": "John Doe", "admin": true, "iat": 1516239022 }
3) La signature : Garantit l'intégrité du token. Elle est calculée à partir du header et du payload à l'aide d'une clé secrète (pour HMAC) ou d'une paire de clés privée/publique (pour RSA ou ECDSA).
LooperAddBeginningAdds a row at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position.
LooperAddIWBeginningAdds a row consisting of an internal window at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position.
PaletteChangeChanges the palette used by the project or by a window.
PaletteGenerateGenerates a palette from a base color.
PaletteGetGets the palette currently used by the project or window.
PaletteLoadLoads a palette from a .wdpalette file.
PaletteSaveSaves a palette to a file.
PDFAddImageAdds an image to a page in an existing PDF file.
PDFExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
PDFExtractPageExtracts a page from a PDF file in a variable of type Image.
ScanFromCameraToImageOpens a specific window for scanning one or more documents using the phone or tablet camera.
ScanFromCameraToPDFOpens a special window for scanning one or more documents as a PDF file using the phone's (or tablet's) camera.
SegmentedButtonAddAdds a new option (i.e. a new button) to a Segmented Button control.
SegmentedButtonDeleteDeletes an option from a Segmented Button control.
SegmentedButtonDeleteAllDeletes all the options from a Segmented Button control.
SegmentedButtonInsertInserts a new option into a Segmented Button control.
TableAddBeginningAdds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change.
WinInHeightReturns the interior height of a window (without title bar and border).
WinInWidthReturns the interior width of a window (without borders).
WinInXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the client area of a window (without border and title bar), in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
WinInYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the client area of a window (without border and title bar), in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
WinOutHeightReturns the outer height of a window.
WinOutWidthReturns the outer width of a window.
WinOutXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
WinOutYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
xlsAddWorksheetAdds or inserts a new worksheet into an Excel document.
xlsCloseCloses an XLS file.
xlsColumnTitleRetrieves the title of a column found in an XLS file.
xlsColumnTypeReturns the type of data entered in a column of an XLS file.
xlsCoordinatesToNameRetrieves the name of a cell, XLS worksheet or Spreadsheet control according to its coordinates.
xlsCurrentWorksheetUsed to find out and modify the current worksheet in an XLS file.
xlsDataRetrieves the content of a cell found in an XLS file.
xlsDeleteWorksheetDeletes a worksheet from the Excel document.
xlsGetMergeDetermines if a cell is merged with other cells and gets the merged cell range.
xlsMergeCellMerges the specified cells in an Excel document.
xlsMsgErrorReturns the caption of the last error caused by an XLS function.
xlsNameToCoordinatesReturns the coordinates of a cell, XLS file or spreadsheet control according to its name.
xlsNbColumnReturns the number of columns found in a worksheet of an XLS file.
xlsNbRowReturns the number of rows found in an XLS file.
xlsNbWorksheetReturns the number of worksheets found in an XLS file.
xlsOpenOpens an Excel file (xls or xlsx files).
xlsRecalculateAllRecalculates all formulas in an Excel (XLSX) document.
xlsSaveSaves an XLS document.
xlsUnmergeCellUnmerges a range of cells.
xlsVersionReturns the Excel version that was used to save the file.
zipOpenRAROpens an existing archive in RAR format.
New WLanguage functions for iPhone/iPad (prefix syntax):
<AuthToken>.RevokeRevokes a JSON Web Token (JWT).
<Control>.RectangleReturns the coordinates of the rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
<DiskFile variable>.OpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
<Graphe>.PIImageDefines the image used to illustrate data in a "Percentage imaged" graph.
<Graphe>PIVMaximumValueAllows you to specify the maximum graph value for automatic calculation of percentages in a "Percentage imaged" graph.
<Graphe>VignetteCategoryInitialize a category image with an image (thumbnail) in Sector, Doughnut or Hemicycle type charts.
<Image>.AnimationChangeTypeChange le type d'animation d'une image dans un champ Image.
<Image>.AnimationSetParameterChanges one of the animation parameters used for a moving image (in an Image field).
<Image>AnimationGetParameterReads the value of one of the animation parameters defined for an Image field.
<Libellé>.AnimationChangeParamètreChange un des paramètres d'animation utilisé pour un texte animé (dans un champ Libellé).
<Libellé>.AnimationGetParameterReads the value of one of the animation parameters defined for a Static Text control.
<Libellé>.AnimationSetModeChanges the animation type of text in a Static Text control.
<Looper>.AddBeginningAdds a row at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position.
<Looper>.AddIWBeginningAdds a row consisting of an internal window at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position.
<Palette variable>.GenerateGenerates a palette from a base color.
<Palette variable>.LoadLoads a palette from a .wdpalette file.
<Palette variable>.SaveSaves a palette to a file.
<pdfDocument variable>.ExtractCreates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file.
<pdfDocument variable>.ExtractPageExtracts a page from a PDF file in a variable of type Image.
<pdfPage variable>.AddImageAdds an image to a page in an existing PDF file.
<Report>.InitReportVersoInitializes the parameters of a report to be printed on the verso side of another report.
<Segmented Button>.AddAdds a new option (i.e. a new button) to a Segmented Button control.
<Segmented Button>.DeleteDeletes an option from a Segmented Button control.
<Segmented Button>.DeleteAllDeletes all the options from a Segmented Button control.
<Segmented Button>.InsertInserts a new option into a Segmented Button control.
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
<Table>.AddBeginningAdds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change.
<Variable Connexion>DeletePlanningHistoryDeletes the execution history of a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view.).
<Variable Connexion>ListHistoryPlanningLists the execution history of a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view).
<Window>.InHeightReturns the interior height of a window (without title bar and border).
<Window>.InWidthReturns the interior width of a window (without borders).
<Window>.InXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the client area of a window (without border and title bar), in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.InYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the client area of a window (without border and title bar), in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.OutHeightReturns the outer height of a window.
<Window>.OutWidthReturns the outer width of a window.
<Window>.OutXPosReturns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.OutYPosReturns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen.
<Window>.PaletteGetGets the palette currently used by the window.
<xlsDocument variable>.AddWorksheetAdds or inserts a new worksheet into an Excel document.
<xlsDocument variable>.CloseCloses an XLS file.
<xlsDocument variable>.DeleteWorksheetDeletes a worksheet from the Excel document.
<xlsDocument variable>.GetMergeDetermines if a cell is merged with other cells and gets the merged cell range.
<xlsDocument variable>.MergeCellMerges the specified cells in an Excel document.
<xlsDocument variable>.RecalculateAllRecalculates all formulas in an Excel (XLSX) document.
<xlsDocument variable>.SaveSaves an XLS document.
<xlsDocument variable>.UnmergeCellUnmerges a given cell.
<zipArchive variable>.OpenRAROpens an existing archive in RAR format.
IOS Widget New WLanguage functions for iOS widget mode:
ArrayToParametersConverts an array of elements into a list of parameters.
AuthIntrospecteTokenIntrospect an Oauth token.
AuthRecoverUserInfoRetrieves user information from an access token.
AuthRevokeTokenRevokes a JSON Web Token (JWT).
AuthVérifieAuthentificationChecks the validity of the current user's token in the case of SSO authentication.
DayOfYearToDateTakes the number of a day in the year and returns the corresponding date in "YYYYMMDD" format.
ExecuteReactiveProcedureForces the execution of a reactive procedure.
fOpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
fTempFileReturns the name of a unique temporary file.
grCategoryTagInitialize a category image with an image (thumbnail) in Sector, Doughnut or Hemicycle type charts.
grPIImageDefines the image used to illustrate data in a "Percentage imaged" graph.
grPIVMaximumValueAllows you to specify the maximum graph value for automatic calculation of percentages in a "Percentage imaged" graph.
HImportCSVImports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
HListHistoryPlanningLists the execution history of a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view).
HRplAddFileAdds a data file to a universal replication.
HS DeleteAllHistoryPlanningPurge the entire execution history of scheduled elements on an HFSQL server.
HSuppressHistoryPlanningDeletes the execution history of a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view.).
iInitReportVersoInitializes the parameters of a report to be printed on the verso side of another report.
La fonction crée une assertion JWT.
Structure d'une assertion JWT Un JWT est constitué de trois parties séparées par des points (.).
1) Le header (En-tête) Contient des métadonnées telles que le type de token (JWT) et l'algorithme de signature utilisé (par exemple, HS256 ou RS256).
Exemple de JSON :
{ "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" }
2) Le payload (Charge utile) : Contient les claims (déclarations), c'est-à-dire les informations à transmettre. Il peut s'agir de : Claims standards (par exemple : iss pour l'émetteur, exp pour la date d'expiration). Claims personnalisés selon les besoins.
Exemple de JSON :
{ "sub": "1234567890", "name": "John Doe", "admin": true, "iat": 1516239022 }
3) La signature : Garantit l'intégrité du token. Elle est calculée à partir du header et du payload à l'aide d'une clé secrète (pour HMAC) ou d'une paire de clés privée/publique (pour RSA ou ECDSA).
PDFExtractPageExtracts a page from a PDF file in a variable of type Image.
zipOpenRAROpens an existing archive in RAR format.
New WLanguage functions for iOS widget mode (prefix syntax):
<AuthToken>.RevokeRevokes a JSON Web Token (JWT).
<DiskFile variable>.OpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
<Graphe>.PIImageDefines the image used to illustrate data in a "Percentage imaged" graph.
<Graphe>PIVMaximumValueAllows you to specify the maximum graph value for automatic calculation of percentages in a "Percentage imaged" graph.
<Graphe>VignetteCategoryInitialize a category image with an image (thumbnail) in Sector, Doughnut or Hemicycle type charts.
<pdfDocument variable>.ExtractPageExtracts a page from a PDF file in a variable of type Image.
<Report>.InitReportVersoInitializes the parameters of a report to be printed on the verso side of another report.
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
<Variable Connexion>DeletePlanningHistoryDeletes the execution history of a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view.).
<Variable Connexion>ListHistoryPlanningLists the execution history of a scheduled item on an HFSQL server: scheduled task (stored procedure), backup, optimization, refresh of a materialized view).
<zipArchive variable>.OpenRAROpens an existing archive in RAR format.
Apple Watch New WLanguage functions for Apple Watch:
ArrayToParametersConverts an array of elements into a list of parameters.
ExecuteReactiveProcedureForces the execution of a reactive procedure.
HImportCSVImports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
New WLanguage functions for Apple Watch (prefix syntax):
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
Mac Catalyst New WLanguage functions in Catalyst mode:
ExecuteReactiveProcedureForces the execution of a reactive procedure.
fOpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
fTempFileReturns the name of a unique temporary file.
grCategoryTagInitialize a category image with an image (thumbnail) in Sector, Doughnut or Hemicycle type charts.
HImportCSVImports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
New WLanguage functions in Catalyst mode (prefix syntax):
<DiskFile variable>.OpenTempFileCreates and opens a temporary file.
<Graphe>VignetteCategoryInitialize a category image with an image (thumbnail) in Sector, Doughnut or Hemicycle type charts.
<Image>.AnimationChangeTypeChange le type d'animation d'une image dans un champ Image.
<Image>.AnimationSetParameterChanges one of the animation parameters used for a moving image (in an Image field).
<Image>AnimationGetParameterReads the value of one of the animation parameters defined for an Image field.
<Libellé>.AnimationChangeParamètreChange un des paramètres d'animation utilisé pour un texte animé (dans un champ Libellé).
<Libellé>.AnimationGetParameterReads the value of one of the animation parameters defined for a Static Text control.
<Libellé>.AnimationSetModeChanges the animation type of text in a Static Text control.
<Source>.ImportCSVImports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile).
Improved WLanguage functions
AndroidAndroid Widget The following functions have been improved in this version:
AppointmentAddIt is now possible to add an appointment directly to the device's default calendar application.
AppointmentCreateIt is now possible to use asynchronous syntax to determine if an appointment has been created.
AuthIdentifyThe syntax for handling OpenIDParameters variables is now available.
  • The syntax for handling OpenIDParameters variables is now available.
  • The syntax for handling JWTParameters variables is now available (from Update 1).
BitmapInfoNew parameter for getting specific information: transparency area, alpha channel, etc.
DriveListFileThe fdFullInformation constant is used to get detailed information on the files listed.
DriveListFileGglThe fdFullInformation constant is used to get detailed information on the files listed.
grTooltipgrTooltipFormatInternalWindow, new constant to use an internal window as a custom tooltip of a Chart control.
iAddAttachmentNew constants for specifying the value of the AFRelationship key, required to use Factur-X.
Note: This improvement is available from version 2025 Update 1.
sParameterYou can now use specific values for the <Nb Stop bits> parameter.
ThreadExecuteIt is now possible to run secure threads (i>threadSecure constant).
ThreadPersistentA new parameter defines the use case of a persistent thread. Starting with Android 14, this information is mandatory. If this parameter is not set, a default use case is specified.
iPhone/iPad The following WLanguage functions have been improved:
AppointmentAddIt is now possible to add an appointment directly to the device's default calendar application.
BitmapInfoNew parameter for getting specific information: transparency area, alpha channel, etc.
DecryptStandardThe cryptAES192 constant allows you to use the AES-192 encryption algorithm.
DeserializepsdXMLArrayRepeatedElements, new constant for deserializing arrays that have been serialized as a sequence of elements.
Note: This feature is only available from version 2025 Update 1.
DriveListFileThe fdFullInformation constant is used to get detailed information on the files listed.
DriveListFileGglThe fdFullInformation constant is used to get detailed information on the files listed.
EncryptStandardThe cryptAES192 constant allows you to use the AES-192 encryption algorithm.
grTooltipgrTooltipFormatInternalWindow, new constant to use an internal window as a custom tooltip of a Chart control.
HModifyStructureNew constant for saving logs before running automatic data modification.
HSetServerNew constant for specifying how many executions of a scheduled operation should be kept in the history.
iAddAttachmentNew constants for specifying the value of the AFRelationship key, required to use Factur-X.
InitRandomThis function now returns the random seed used.
ProjectInfopiVersion, new constant to get the version number of the application's main library (WDL file).
SerializepsdXMLArrayRepeatedElements, new constant for serializing arrays as a sequence of elements.
Note: This feature is only available from version 2025 Update 1..
SocketReadNew parameter for setting the maximum waiting time without receiving data.
IOS Widget The following WLanguage functions have been improved:
AppointmentAddIt is now possible to add an appointment directly to the device's default calendar application.
HSetServerNew constant for specifying how many executions of a scheduled operation should be kept in the history.
iAddAttachmentNew constants for specifying the value of the AFRelationship key, required to use Factur-X.
ProjectInfopiVersion, new constant to get the version number of the application's main library (WDL file).
New WLanguage properties
Android New WLanguage properties for Android applications:
AutofillThe Autofill property indicates the type of information to be automatically entered in an Edit control.
InitialAnimationThe InitialAnimation property determines whether the animation of an Image, Button, Static or Carousel control is enabled when the control is created.
MonochromeThe property Monochrome property allows you to:
  • know if the pixels of an image contained in an Image field are automatically replaced with a specified color in the field's style (tab "Field description style, element "Force to monochrome").
  • activate or deactivate monochrome management in an Image field.
Attention This property is only available from version 2025 Update 1.
iPhone/iPad New WLanguage properties for iPhone/iPad applications:
AutofillThe Autofill property indicates the type of information to be automatically entered in an Edit control.
InitialAnimationThe InitialAnimation property determines whether the animation of an Image, Button, Static or Carousel control is enabled when the control is created.
MonochromeThe property Monochrome property allows you to:
  • know if the pixels of an image contained in an Image field are automatically replaced with a specified color in the field's style (tab "Field description style, element "Force to monochrome").
  • activate or deactivate monochrome management in an Image field.
Attention This property is only available from version 2025 Update 1.
Improved WLanguage properties
Android The following WLanguage properties have been improved:
AnimationThis property is now available for Static controls.
iPhone/iPad The following WLanguage properties have been improved:
AnimationThis property is now available for Static controls.
New advanced types of WLanguage
Android New advanced types available for Android applications:
apiRequestThe apiRequest type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a request executed via a REST web service imported using the OpenAPI documentation.
JWTParametersThe JWTParameter type is used to define all the data required for JWT-based authentication.
OpenIDIdentityThe OpenIDIdentity type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a user connected to a web service via the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
OpenIDParametersThe OpenIDParameters type is used to define all the advanced features of an authentication for OpenID.
pdfControlThe pdfControl type is used to get all the characteristics and values of a control present in a PDF form.
pdfControlOptionThe pdfControlOption type is used to get and set the following characteristics of an option of a control present in a PDF form:
  • option caption.
  • selected or deselected state of the option.
ThreadThe Thread type allows you to define all the characteristics of a thread.
WatermarkThe Watermark type is used to handle the text printed in watermark in the reports created with the report editor or programmatically.
xlsCellAn xlsCell variable is used to describe and modify a cell in an Excel document...
xlsColumnThe xlsColumn type is used to describe and modify a column in an Excel document...
xlsCommentThe xlsComment type is used to defined all the advanced characteristics of a comment in a cell of an XLS file or Spreadsheet control.
xlsDocumentAn xlsDocument variable is used to describe and modify an Excel document...
xlsLayoutThe xlsLayout type is used to define all the layout characteristics of a sheet of an XLSX document in a Spreadsheet control.
xlsRowThe xlsRow variable type defines and changes the characteristics of a row in an Excel document...
Android Widget New advanced types available for Android widget applications:
OpenIDIdentityThe OpenIDIdentity type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a user connected to a web service via the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
OpenIDParametersThe OpenIDParameters type is used to define all the advanced features of an authentication for OpenID.
ThreadThe Thread type allows you to define all the characteristics of a thread.
WatermarkThe Watermark type is used to handle the text printed in watermark in the reports created with the report editor or programmatically.
iPhone/iPad New advanced types available for iOS applications:
apiRequestThe apiRequest type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a request executed via a REST web service imported using the OpenAPI documentation.
ftpConnexionThe type ftpConnexion type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of an FTP connection.
hHistoryPlanningThe type hHistoryPlanning allows you to view all the characteristics of a task's execution history.
xlsCellAn xlsCell variable is used to describe and modify a cell in an Excel document...
xlsColumnThe xlsColumn type is used to describe and modify a column in an Excel document...
xlsCommentThe xlsComment type is used to defined all the advanced characteristics of a comment in a cell of an XLS file or Spreadsheet control.
xlsDocumentAn xlsDocument variable is used to describe and modify an Excel document...
xlsLayoutThe xlsLayout type is used to define all the layout characteristics of a sheet of an XLSX document in a Spreadsheet control.
xlsRowThe xlsRow variable type defines and changes the characteristics of a row in an Excel document...
IOS Widget New advanced types available for iOS widget applications:
ftpConnexionThe type ftpConnexion type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of an FTP connection.
hHistoryPlanningThe type hHistoryPlanning allows you to view all the characteristics of a task's execution history.
Apple Watch New advanced types available for applications in Apple Watch mode:
hHistoryPlanningThe type hHistoryPlanning allows you to view all the characteristics of a task's execution history.
Improved advanced WLanguage types
Android The following advanced types have been improved for Android applications:
  • New DateLastModified property: Date and time a Google file was last modified.
  • New Size property: Google file size.
  • New LogoutURL property: Web service logout URL (if supported).
  • New RevocationURL property: Web service revocation URL (if supported).
  • b>Username and Password: Username and associated password. Enable silent user authentication.
pdfPageThe new Control property lists the controls present in the page.
sshSessionThe new KeepAliveInterval property keeps a connection open and sets the interval between requests to check the connection is still active.
xmlNodeThe Exist property is now available in write mode and can be used to force the creation of an empty node.
iPhone/iPad The following advanced types have been improved for iOS applications:
  • New DateLastModified property: Date and time a Google file was last modified.
  • New Size property: Google file size.
  • Anonymization: New property to select the data anonymization mode used in the backup.
  • New LogoutURL property: Web service logout URL (if supported).
  • New RevocationURL property: Web service revocation URL (if supported).
  • b>Username and Password: Username and associated password. Enable silent user authentication.
  • b>Username and Password: Username and associated password. Enable silent user authentication.
sshSessionThe new KeepAliveInterval property keeps a connection open and sets the interval between requests to check the connection is still active.
xmlNodeThe Exist property is now available in write mode and can be used to force the creation of an empty node.
Minimum version required
  • Version 2025
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Last update: 02/07/2025

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