| |
AuthLogout | Logs out a user previously authenticated via:- the OAuth 2.0 protocol on any web service.
- the OpenID protocol on any web service.
- a JSON Web Token (JWT).
AuthRevokeToken | Revokes a JSON Web Token (JWT). |
AuthVérifieAuthentification | Checks the validity of the current user's token in the case of SSO authentication. |
Belgium.CheckTaxNumber | Checks the validity of a Belgian tax number. |
Brazil.CheckTaxNumber | Checks the validity of a Brazilian tax number. |
Canada.CheckTaxNumber | Checks the validity of a Canadian tax number. |
ComboClose | Closes the drop-down list in a Combo Box control (simple or multi-column Combo Box control). |
ControlRectangle | Returns a rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control. |
DayOfYearToDate | Takes the number of a day in the year and returns the corresponding date in "YYYYMMDD" format. |
dpDriveConnect | Creates a connection to Dropbox. |
fOpenTempFile | Creates and opens a temporary file. |
fTempFile | Returns the name of a unique temporary file. |
Germany.CheckTaxNumber | Checks the validity of a German tax number. |
grCategoryTag | Initialize a category image with an image (thumbnail) in Sector, Doughnut or Hemicycle type charts. |
grParameter | Retrieves or modifies a chart parameter. |
grPIImage | Defines the image used to illustrate data in a "Percentage imaged" graph. |
grPIVMaximumValue | Allows you to specify the maximum graph value for automatic calculation of percentages in a "Percentage imaged" graph. |
HExportCSV | Exports the records found in a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), a view or a query to a CSV file. |
HExportJSONString | Exports the records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to a JSON string. |
HExportXLS | Exports records from a data file (HFSQL or OLE DB), view or query to an Excel file (XLSX). |
HImportCSV | Imports a CSV file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile). |
HImportXLS | Imports an XLS file into an HFSQL Classic or Client/Server data file. This data file must have been defined in the data model editor, or declared with HDeclare, HDeclareExternal or HDescribeFile). |
HRplAddFile | Adds a data file to a universal replication. |
iInitReportVerso | Initializes the parameters of a report to be printed on the verso side of another report. |
Italy.CheckTaxNumber | Checks the validity of an Italian tax number. |
| La fonction crée une assertion JWT. Structure d'une assertion JWT
Un JWT est constitué de trois parties séparées par des points (.). 1) Le header (En-tête)
Contient des métadonnées telles que le type de token (JWT) et l'algorithme de signature utilisé (par exemple, HS256 ou RS256). Exemple de JSON : {
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
} 2) Le payload (Charge utile) :
Contient les claims (déclarations), c'est-à-dire les informations à transmettre. Il peut s'agir de :
Claims standards (par exemple : iss pour l'émetteur, exp pour la date d'expiration).
Claims personnalisés selon les besoins. Exemple de JSON : {
"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "John Doe",
"admin": true,
"iat": 1516239022
} 3) La signature :
Garantit l'intégrité du token. Elle est calculée à partir du header et du payload à l'aide d'une clé secrète (pour HMAC) ou d'une paire de clés privée/publique (pour RSA ou ECDSA). |
LooperAddBeginning | Adds a row at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position. |
LooperAddIWBeginning | Adds a row consisting of an internal window at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position. |
NearbyShareAcceptConnection | Accepts a connection request from a nearby device. |
NearbyShareDisconnect | Closes the connection with a nearby device. |
NearbyShareDiscoverDevice | Discovers nearby devices that have advertised themselves and are waiting to connect ("advertisers"). |
NearbyShareRejectConnection | Rejects a connection request from a nearby device. |
NearbyShareRequestConnection | Sends a connection request to a nearby device. |
NearbyShareSend | Sends data (binary buffer) to one or more nearby devices to which the current device is connected. |
NearbyShareSendFile | Sends a file to one or more nearby devices to which the current device is connected. |
NearbyShareStopAll | Stops all current nearby share tasks: - stop waiting for connections (advertising),
- stop searching for nearby devices (discovery),
- disconnect all currently connected devices.
NearbyShareStopDiscovery | Stops searching for nearby devices (i.e., stops discovery). |
NearbyShareStopWaiting | Stops waiting for other nearby devices to connect (i.e., stops advertising). |
NearbyShareWaitForConnection | Makes the device visible to nearby devices in discovery mode (via NearbyShareDiscoverDevice) and waits for their connection request. |
OpenIDReadIdentity | Retrieves the identity of a user contained in an AuthToken variable. |
PaletteChange | Changes the palette used by the project or by a window. |
PaletteGenerate | Generates a palette from a base color. |
PaletteGet | Gets the palette currently used by the project or window. |
PaletteLoad | Loads a palette from a .wdpalette file. |
PaletteSave | Saves a palette to a file. |
PDFAddImage | Adds an image to a page in an existing PDF file. |
PDFAddWatermark | Adds a watermark to all or some pages of an existing PDF file. |
PDFExtract | Creates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file. |
PDFGetSignature | Gets the signature of a PDF document as a buffer. |
PDFGetSignatureDate | Gets the date of one of the signatures of a PDF document. |
PDFNbSignatures | Gets the number of signatures in a PDF document. |
RegexMatch | Checks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression. |
RegexReplace | Replaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format. |
RegexSearch | Searches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format. |
ScanFromCameraToImage | Opens a specific window for scanning one or more documents using the phone or tablet camera. |
ScanFromCameraToPDF | Opens a special window for scanning one or more documents as a PDF file using the phone's (or tablet's) camera. |
SegmentedButtonAdd | Adds a new option (i.e. a new button) to a Segmented Button control. |
SegmentedButtonDelete | Deletes an option from a Segmented Button control. |
SegmentedButtonDeleteAll | Deletes all the options from a Segmented Button control. |
SegmentedButtonInsert | Inserts a new option into a Segmented Button control. |
SMSDetectOneTimeCode | Automatically populates an Edit control with a one-time code received by SMS. |
Spain.CheckTaxNumber | Checks the validity of a Spanish tax number. |
Switzerland.CheckTaxNumber | Checks the validity of a Swiss tax number. |
TableAddBeginning | Adds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change. |
tapiGetNumber | Opens a window that allows sharing the user's phone number(s). |
UnitedStates.CheckTaxNumber | Checks the validity of a US tax number. |
WinInHeight | Returns the interior height of a window (without title bar and border). |
WinInWidth | Returns the interior width of a window (without borders). |
WinInXPos | Returns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the client area of a window (without border and title bar), in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen. |
WinInYPos | Returns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the client area of a window (without border and title bar), in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen. |
WinOutHeight | Returns the outer height of a window. |
WinOutWidth | Returns the outer width of a window. |
WinOutXPos | Returns the horizontal position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen. |
WinOutYPos | Returns the vertical position of the upper-left corner of a window in relation to the upper-left corner of the screen. |
xlsAddWorksheet | Adds or inserts a new worksheet into an Excel document. |
xlsClose | Closes an XLS file. |
xlsColumnTitle | Retrieves the title of a column found in an XLS file. |
xlsColumnType | Returns the type of data entered in a column of an XLS file. |
xlsCoordinatesToName | Retrieves the name of a cell, XLS worksheet or Spreadsheet control according to its coordinates. |
xlsCurrentWorksheet | Used to find out and modify the current worksheet in an XLS file. |
xlsData | Retrieves the content of a cell found in an XLS file. |
xlsDeleteWorksheet | Deletes a worksheet from the Excel document. |
xlsGetMerge | Determines if a cell is merged with other cells and gets the merged cell range. |
xlsMergeCell | Merges the specified cells in an Excel document. |
xlsMsgError | Returns the caption of the last error caused by an XLS function. |
xlsNameToCoordinates | Returns the coordinates of a cell, XLS file or spreadsheet control according to its name. |
xlsNbColumn | Returns the number of columns found in a worksheet of an XLS file. |
xlsNbRow | Returns the number of rows found in an XLS file. |
xlsNbWorksheet | Returns the number of worksheets found in an XLS file. |
xlsOpen | Opens an Excel file (xls or xlsx files). |
xlsRecalculateAll | Recalculates all formulas in an Excel (XLSX) document. |
xlsSave | Saves an XLS document. |
xlsUnmergeCell | Unmerges a range of cells. |
xlsVersion | Returns the Excel version that was used to save the file. |