The content of this page has been updated to version 28.  See documentation 28 now.
Help / Control Centers / Project Monitoring Center
  • Overview
  • Start
  • Use conditions
  • Features
  • Two use levels
  • Tasks assigned to the administrator
  • Use
  • Link with the "Project Monitoring Center" pane of WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile
  • "Guest" mode
  • Accessing the data found in the Project Monitoring Center
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
The Project Monitoring Center is used to organize and schedule a project, from design to delivery. It allows you to define the tasks that must be performed in a project, the developers working on it, the duration, progress status, etc.
Once all the project tasks have been defined, the Project Monitoring Center takes care of everything. Entering the time spent on a task is almost automatic, it requires no specific action and it generates no particular constraint. For more details, see Time management.
When the relevant project is opened, the Project Monitoring Center requests or indicates the current task. As soon as a task is completed, simply indicate that the task is finished and specify the new task.
A task can be linked to a project element (window, report, ...). Whenever the relevant element is opened, the time spent on this element is counted and stored in the Project Monitoring Center. Conversely, the element corresponding to the task that you want to perform can be automatically opened from the task list.
Each developer can also see his own task list in the "Project Monitoring Center" pane.
To start the Project Monitoring Center:
  • from WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile or WEBDEV: on the "Tools" tab, in the "Control Centers" group, click "Project Monitoring".
  • run "CCSuivi.EXE", which is located in the "Programs" subdirectory of the WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile or WEBDEV setup directory.
The Project Monitoring Center allows the user to display his own data via several types of tabs: To create a new tab, simply click "+", next to the existing tabs. You have the ability to create several tabs of the same type but displaying different data.
Tip: By default, the pane captions correspond to the type of content (Tasks, Incidents, Schedule, etc.) followed by the filter used in the pane (name of requirement, task manager, developer of the incident, etc.).
If you display a large number of panes and/or some panes have an "identical" default name (for example, 2 "Incident" panes displaying 2 different batches, with the same caption), it may be useful to rename the panes to make them more explicit and save space. To rename a pane:
  1. Select the desired pane.
  2. Right-click to open the context menu of the pane.
  3. In the popup menu that appears, select "Customize the title of active view"..
  4. In the window that appears, change the title of the tab and confirm.

Use conditions

The Project Monitoring Center cannot be redistributed. The Project Monitoring Center cannot be installed with the applications developed with WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile.
To use the Project Monitoring Center, WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile must necessarily be installed on the current computer.

Two use levels

The Project Monitoring Center is used to manage the schedule of a project.
The Project Monitoring Center proposes two levels of use:
  • Use by an administrator (by default, the login and the password correspond to "ADMIN").
    The administrator defines the projects, the contributors, the tasks to perform. The administrator is the only person allowed to grant administrator rights or to delete a task, ...
    Remark: If you are using an earlier version of the Project Monitoring Center, the login of the administrator may correspond to "SUPERVISOR" (without password).
  • Use by a contributor:
    The contributor can view his schedule, add or move tasks, configure his timetable, modify the status of a task, ...
Remark: A contributor can create a project and he can be responsible for this project. In this case, the project manager will be able to define for this project the tasks to perform, the contributors, ...

Tasks assigned to the administrator

To manage the creation of a project, the administrator must define:
Once all these parameters have been defined, the statistics regarding the project monitoring can be displayed (completed elements and elements to perform).
In most cases, the projects are configured by the administrator (by default, the login and the password correspond to "ADMIN") or by the project manager.


The Project Monitoring Center can be used by each contributor of a project. It allows the contributor to:
For more details, see Managing the schedule and tasks.

Link with the "Project Monitoring Center" pane of WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile

For each contributor identified by his login and password in WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile, the "Project Monitoring Center" pane is used to:
  • See the different tasks of the contributor,
  • Start or stop a task
  • Modify the order of tasks, ...

"Guest" mode

The Project Monitoring Center proposes a "Guest" mode. This mode allows an unidentified user to view the information found in the Project Monitoring Center (task list, schedules, list of projects, ...).
To start the Project Monitoring Center in "Guest" mode, all you have to do is click the "Guest" button in the login window.
To allow the "Guest" mode:
  1. Expand Menu of Project Monitoring Center and select "Options".
  2. Select "Options reserved for administrators" and then select "Allow guest mode".
Remark: Only an administrator can allow the "Guest" mode. The "Guest" mode is not available if the data files of Control Centers are in HFSQL Client/Server format.

Accessing the data found in the Project Monitoring Center

To access the data of the Project Monitoring Center, the ExternalAccess component can be included in your project.
This component allows you to view the data of the Control Centers. You can connect to the Control Center database (HFSQL Classic, HFSQL Client/Server, PCSCloud or SCMDrive) to export data about projects, stakeholders, tasks, incidents and requirements in JSON format.
To import the CCExternalAccess component into the current project:
  1. On the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, expand "Import" and select "An External component .. Utility component or example".
  2. The list of utility and sample components is displayed.
  3. Select the CCExternalAccess component and validate the window.
    Remark: You can also double-click the component to import it into your project.
  4. The documentation associated with this component gives all the details regarding its operating mode and its features.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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