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Stored procedures
MCIPosition (Function)
In french: MCIPosition
Returns or changes the current position in a media file previously opened (MCIOpen).
MCIOpen("Sound.wav", "MySound")
MCIPosition("MySound", 10)

Modifying the position in the file Hide the details

<Result> = MCIPosition(<Media file or alias> , <Position> [, <Parameters> [, <Name of the message window>]])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the position was set,
  • False otherwise. To get the error number, use MCIErr.
    To get more details on the error, use MCIMsgErr or ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
    The status report of the command is returned by MCIRetrieve.
<Media file or alias>: Character string
Name of the media file to be used (AVI, MP3, etc.) or alias defined when opening the file (MCIOpen).
<Position>: Character string
New position in the file. This position is expressed in the format specified by MCIPositionFormat.
<Parameters>: Optional character string
Additional parameters if necessary. These parameters can be known by checking the documentation of the Windows MCI function named "seek".
The MciWait constant can be added to this string. This constant is used to indicate that the program must wait for the end of the MCI command to run the rest of application.
<Name of the message window>: Optional character string
Name of the window used to intercept and manage the different messages sent by MMSYSTEM.DLL. These messages are in MM_xxxxxx format and can be retrieved with Event. You can for example get messages regarding the management of the CD ROM or Joystick.

Finding out the position in the file Hide the details

<Result> = MCIPosition(<Media file or alias> [, <Name of the message window>])
<Result>: Character string
Position in the file. This position is expressed in the format specified by MCIPositionFormat.
<Media file or alias>: Character string
Name of the media file to be closed (AVI, MP3, etc.) or alias defined when opening the file (MCIOpen).
<Name of the message window>: Optional character string
Name of the window used to intercept and manage the different messages sent by MMSYSTEM.DLL. These messages are in MM_xxxxxx format and can be retrieved with Event. You can for example get messages regarding the management of the CD ROM or Joystick.
Once MCIPosition has been called, to make sure that the position has been set, it is recommended to use the following line of code:
WHILE MCIStatus(<File or Alias>) <> MciStatusStop
Component: wd300std.dll
See also
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/02/2022

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