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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / List Box functions
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Stored procedures
Returns the number of elements selected in a List Box, ListView or Combo Box control.
Reminder: The element selected corresponds to the current element on which selection bar is displayed.
Note: The ListSelectCount function can be used on both:
  • List Box controls based on a data file or populated programmatically,
  • single-selection or multi-selection List Box controls.
// Nombre d'éléments sélectionnés dans le champ "LISTE_ListeClient"
ResElementSelect = ListSelectCount(LISTE_ListeClient)
<Result> = ListSelectCount(<List Box control>)
<Result>: Integer
Number of elements selected in the specified List Box (or Combo Box) control. This parameter:
  • can be greater than 1 only if the List Box control is multi-selection,
  • is equal to 1 if the Combo Box control is not editable or if the Combo Box control is editable and if an element is selected,
  • is equal to 0 if the Combo Box control is editable and no element is selected.
<List Box control>: Control name
Name of List Box (or Combo Box) control to use.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the number of elements selected in the List Box control (or Combo Box) to which the current event belongs is returned.
WEBDEV - Browser code The name of List Box (or Combo Box) control to use must necessarily be specified.
WINDEVReports and QueriesJavaUser code (UMC)


ListSelectCount can be used on a "Combo Box" table column.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
This page is also available for…
I will show you how to handle the total number of people selected.
Nessa aula vou criar uma Listbox
Vou fazer ela ficar em varias colunas
vou mostrar como pega total de quantos estao selecionadas
In this class I will create a Listbox
I'll make her stay in several columns
I will show you how to handle the total number of people selected.
Cette classe va créer un Listbox
Je vais faire son séjour dans plusieurs colonnes
Je vais montrer la capture totale de tous ceux qui sont sélectionnés

//Vai me informar Quantos Estados estão Selecionados


De matos
10 Mar. 2017

Last update: 09/18/2024

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