- When should I use iPreview?
- Print preview
- End of print
- Printer fonts
- Re-running the report
iPreview (Function) In french: iAperçu
From version 25, iDestination should be used instead. This function proposes printing via the report viewer (called print preview in previous versions), the mini-preview window, as well as all other print destinations.
Configures the preview window. You can print: - on the printer directly (syntax 1).
- in a preview window (syntax 2). The user can preview the print result on the screen, page by page. This window allows you to:
- scroll the pages (next page and previous page if they exist),
- start the print job,
- modify the scale of preview,
- display the first page or the last page,
- find out the number of the current page, ...
in a mini-preview window (syntax 3). This mini-preview allows you to view the page or pages to be printed, to define the printer to use, the use or not of color, the number of copies, ...
| Note about compatibility | In the earlier versions, iPreview also allowed you to choose the print destination. These syntaxes have been kept for backward compatibility but iDestination must now be preferred for this use. |
Note By default, if the current job's resources become critical for displaying the total number of pages in the preview, a warning message is displayed (for 1000 pages or more). To avoid displaying this message or to configure the number of pages before displaying this message, use iParameterPreview. Syntax
Printing on the printer directly Hide the details
iPreview([<Destination> [, <Name of the document>]])
<Destination>: Optional integer constant Print destination. | | iPrinter | Send document directly to the printer
<Name of the document>: Optional character string Name that will be given to the print. This name will identify the printout in the list of documents processed by the printer. Remarks When should I use iPreview? Note: The iDestination function must be called before executing a report (with iPrintReport) to select the report execution destination. Re-running the report The report displayed in the report viewer is automatically re-run when the report is printed or exported from the report viewer. The WLanguage events associated with report are re-run. In this case, the data displayed in the report may be modified (to take into account the data modified by the other users for example). The variables used by the report should be initialized in the report initialization code (not in the code of the Button control that starts the report viewer). Note: The WLanguage functions used in your report may return a different result when the report is re-executed.. For example, if WLanguage functions in your report handle the current window, when the report is re-run, the current window will correspond to the report viewer window. Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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