Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Print functions
  • Substituting the first block of the page header
  • Substituting the Page Footer block
  • Miscellaneous
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Stored procedures
Substitutes one block of the report with another block while the report is printed.
Once iSubstBlock has been run, the following processes will be run when the initial block is printed:
  • "Before printing" event of the substitution block.
  • print the substitution block.
  • "After printing" event of the substitution block.
// Substitution of page header
iSubstBlock(PageHeader, Iteration1)
// End of substitution of page header
iSubstBlock(PageHeader, "")
iSubstBlock(<Block to substitute> , <New block>)
<Block to substitute>: Character string
Logical name of the block to replace. This name was defined in the report editor, in the block description ("General" tab, "Name" control).
<New block>: Character string
Logical name of the block used for the substitution. This name was defined in the report editor, in the block description.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the current substitution for the <Block to substitute> block is canceled.
If this parameter is equal to <Block to substitute>, the current substitution is canceled.

Substituting the first block of the page header

To substitute the first block of the page header, iSubstBlock must be used in an initializing event of the report (for example, in one of the events of the document header block or in the "Open" event of the report). These events will be run before printing this block.

Substituting the Page Footer block

To avoid display problems, the Page Footer block and its substitution block must have the same height.


  • You will get the same result by performing the following operations:
    1. Hide the block (Visible property).
    2. Use the iPrintBlock function.
  • To substitute a Page Footer block, we recommend that you use blocks with the same height.
  • In most cases, we recommend that you use planes in the report as they are easier to use and to implement (rather than block substitution). For more details, see The planes.
Related Examples:
WD Reports Training (WINDEV): WD Reports
[ + ] This example presents the different methods for creating a report:

- prints based on different data sources (queries, variables, ...)
- prints based on controls (Table, Spreadsheet, PVT, ...)
- printing composite reports
- specific prints (portrait/landscape, report with watermark, report with bar code, ...)
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300etat.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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