HErrorDuplicates (Function) In french: HErreurDoublon
Not available with this kind of connection
Used to check whether a duplicate error occurred.
IF HModify(Client) = False THEN
IF HErrorDuplicates() = True THEN
sNomRub is string
sNomRub = HErrorInfo(hErrItem)
Error("Doublon: cet enregistrement ne peut être modifié", "Rubrique associée à l'erreur: " + sNomRub, ...
"Valeur de la rubrique: " + {"Client." + sNomRub})
<Result> = HErrorDuplicates()
<Result>: Boolean - True if a duplicate error occurs,
- False otherwise (no error).
Remarks - The management of duplicates is enabled by default. To enable or disable the management of duplicates, use HSetDuplicates.
- This function replaces HDuplicates, which is kept for compatibility with WINDEV 5.5.
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
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