Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Chart functions
  • Changing the type of chart
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
Identifies or modifies the type of chart.
Linux Caution: A specific configuration is required to use this function in Linux. For more details, see The charts.
// Modify the type of "MyChart"
grType("MyChart", grPie)

Finding out the type of chart Hide the details

<Result> = grType(<Chart name>)
<Result>: Constant
Indicates the type of chart:
gr3DSAreaStacked3D chart of stacked areas.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSAreaDepth3D chart of areas shown one behind the other.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSLine3D line chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSCylinderColStacked3D stacked bar chart.
The bars are represented by cylinders.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSCylinderColClustered3D clustered column chart.
The bars are represented by cylinders.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSCylinderColDepth3D column chart in depth: the series are represented in perspective.
The bars are represented by cylinders.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSColumnStacked3D stacked bar chart.
The bars are represented by 3D rectangles. This type of chart does not support negative values.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSColumnClustered3D clustered column chart.
The bars are represented by 3D rectangles.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSColumnDepth3D column chart in depth: the series are represented in perspective.
The bars are represented by 3D rectangles.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSMinMax3D Stock chart displaying the difference between the minimum and maximum stock values
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSScatter3D Scatter chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPie3D Pie chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
grAreaArea chart (see example of Area chart).
grPolarAreaPolar Area chart (see example of Polar Area chart).
grBarChartsStock chart (see example of Stock chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grCandlestickCandlestick stock chart (see example of Stock chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grRadialBarRadial Bar chart (see example of Radial Bar chart).
WEBDEV - Server codeLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppAndroidPHP This constant is not available.
grLineLine chart (see example of Line chart)
grDonutDonut chart. See example of Donut chart.
Universal Windows 10 App This constant is not available.
grFunnelFunnel chart.
Universal Windows 10 AppAndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
grBubbleChartBubble chart (see example of Bubble chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grHeatMapHeatmap chart (see example of Heatmap chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grSemiCircularSemi-circular chart (see example of Semi-circular chart).
Universal Windows 10 AppAndroid This constant is not available.
grColumnColumn chart (see example of Column chart)
grComparativeHistogramComparative Histogram chart.
Android This constant is not available.
grColumnStackedStacked Column chart. This type of chart does not support negative values.
grMinMaxStock chart displaying the difference between the minimum stock value and the maximum stock value (see example of Stock chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grScatterScatter chart (see example of Scatter chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grScatter3D3D Scatter chart (see example of 3D Scatter chart).
AndroidPHP This constant is not available.
grPyramidPyramid chart (see example of Pyramid chart).
WEBDEV - Server codeLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppAndroidPHP This constant is not available.
grRadarRadar chart (see example of Radar chart).
grPiePie chart (see example of Pie chart).
grSunburstSunburst chart. See example of Sunburst chart.
Universal Windows 10 AppAndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
grSurfaceSurface chart (see example of Surface chart).
WEBDEV - Server codeLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppAndroidiPhone/iPadPHP This constant is not available.
grWaterfallWaterfall chart (see example of Waterfall chart).
grWaffleChartWaffle chart (see example of Waffle chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grRangeAreaRange Area chart (see example of Range Area chart).
AndroidPHP This constant is not available.
<Chart name>: Control name or character string
Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:
  • the name of the chart defined programmatically with grCreate.
  • the name of the Chart control in the window, page or report editor.
Android Only Chart controls are available.
PHP Only interactive Chart controls are available.

Modifying the type of chart Hide the details

grType(<Chart name> , <Type of chart>)
<Chart name>: Control name or character string
Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:
  • the name of the chart defined programmatically with grCreate.
  • the name of the Chart control in the window, page or report editor.
Android Only Chart controls are available.
PHP Only interactive Chart controls are available.
<Type of chart>: Constant
Specifies the new type of chart:
gr3DSAreaStacked3D chart of stacked areas.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSAreaDepth3D chart of areas shown one behind the other.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSLine3D line chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSCylinderColStacked3D stacked bar chart.
The bars are represented by cylinders.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSCylinderColClustered3D clustered column chart.
The bars are represented by cylinders.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSCylinderColDepth3D column chart in depth: the series are represented in perspective.
The bars are represented by cylinders.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSColumnStacked3D stacked bar chart.
The bars are represented by 3D rectangles. This type of chart does not support negative values.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSColumnClustered3D clustered column chart.
The bars are represented by 3D rectangles.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSColumnDepth3D column chart in depth: the series are represented in perspective.
The bars are represented by 3D rectangles.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSMinMax3D Stock chart displaying the difference between the minimum and maximum stock values.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSScatter3D Scatter chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
gr3DSPie3D Pie chart.
WINDEVWindowsLinux This constant is only available in WINDEV applications for Windows and Linux.
grAreaArea chart (see example of Area chart).
grPolarAreaPolar Area chart (see example of Polar Area chart).
grBarChartsStock chart (see example of Stock chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grCandlestickCandlestick stock chart (see example of Stock chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grRadialBarRadial Bar chart. See example of Radial Bar chart.
WEBDEV - Server codeLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppAndroidPHP This constant is not available.
grLineLine chart (see example of Line chart).
grDonutDonut chart. See example of Donut chart.
Universal Windows 10 App This constant is not available.
grFunnelFunnel chart.
Universal Windows 10 AppAndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
grBubbleChartBubble chart (see example of Bubble chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grHeatMapHeatmap chart.
Android This constant is not available.
grSemiCircularSemi-circular chart (see example of Semi-circular chart).
Universal Windows 10 AppAndroid This constant is not available.
grColumnColumn chart (see example of Column chart).
grComparativeHistogramComparative Histogram chart.
Android This constant is not available.
grColumnStackedStacked Column chart. This type of chart does not support negative values.
grMinMaxStock chart displaying the difference between the minimum stock value and the maximum stock value (see example of Stock chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grScatterScatter chart (see example of Scatter chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grScatter3D3D Scatter chart (see example of 3D Scatter chart).
AndroidPHP This constant is not available.
grPyramidPyramid chart (see example of Pyramid chart).
WEBDEV - Server codeLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppAndroidPHP This constant is not available.
grRadarRadar chart (see example of Radar chart).
grPiePie chart (see example of Pie chart).
grSunburstSunburst chart. See example of Sunburst chart.
Universal Windows 10 AppAndroidiPhone/iPad This constant is not available.
grSurfaceSurface chart (see example of Surface chart).
WEBDEV - Server codeLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppAndroidiPhone/iPadPHP This constant is not available.
grWaffleChartWaffle chart (see example of Waffle chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grWaterfallWaterfall chart (see example of Waterfall chart).
Android This constant is not available.
grRangeAreaRange Area chart (see example of Range Area chart).
AndroidPHP This constant is not available.

grType has no action on the chart if this parameter corresponds to the current type of chart.

Changing the type of chart

  • When changing the type of chart, the parameters of the former chart that cannot be reproduced in the new chart are reinitialized.
  • Changing the type of chart may produce unexpected effects. For example, when a Pie chart (grPie constant) is changed into a Scatter chart (grScatter constant), all the points are aligned on the X-axis (horizontal axis).
  • The type of chart can be changed in the context menu. However, the display options produce different visual effects for each type of chart.
  • The parameters defined by grType will be taken into account during the next call to grDraw.
Related Examples:
The Chart functions Unit examples (WINDEV): The Chart functions
[ + ] Using the main chart designer features of WINDEV:
- Create a Pie, Column or Line chart
- Define the display area of a chart
- Define the chart options (legend, percentage, ...)
- Draw a line on a chart
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300grf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
This page is also available for…
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Last update: 02/15/2024

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