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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / FTP functions
  • Timeout
  • Rights of users
  • Relative and absolute path
  • Required permissions
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Stored procedures
Returns the size (in bytes) of a file found on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
// Connaître la taille du fichier "/Documents/Fichier.Doc" 
// présent sur le serveur FTP
ResTaille = FTPSize(7, "/Documents/Fichier.Doc")

Finding out the size of last file that was consulted Hide the details

<Result> = FTPSize()
<Result>: Integer
Note: Unlike syntax 2, no request is sent to the server.. Therefore, this syntax is recommended whenever possible.

Finding out the size of specified file Hide the details

<Result> = FTPSize(<Connection ID> , <File name>)
<Result>: Integer
  • Size (in bytes) of specified file,
  • -1 if an error occurred. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
<Connection ID>: Integer
Connection identifier, returned by FTPConnect.
PHP This parameter is a Variant parameter.
<File name>: Character string
Name and full (or relative) path of the file be accessed. The different path sections are separated by "slashes" ("/").


By default, all the FTP functions fail if the FTP server does not respond within 20 seconds. This timeout can be modified with FTPConnect when connecting to the FTP server.

Rights of users

Only a user who has read rights on the FTP server can get information about the files or the directories found on an FTP server. In most cases, the read rights are granted to the "anonymous" users.

Relative and absolute path

The notions of relative path and absolute path are very important in an FTP application.
  • A path beginning with a slash is considered an absolute path: this is the path relative to the FTP server root (server-specific parameter).
    ex: /pub/user/JULIA
  • A path not starting with a slash is considered as being a relative path, which means a path given in relation to the current directory. This current directory can be returned or modified by FTPCurrentDir.
When connecting to an FTP site, the initial directory (the "base directory" of the user) is not necessarily found at the root of the FTP server. Therefore, we recommend that you use relative paths.
AndroidAndroid Widget

Required permissions

This function changes the permissions required by the application.
Permission required: INTERNET
This permission allows the applications to open the network sockets.
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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