Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / External file functions
  • Error codes
  • Files compressed with the earlier WINDEV versions
  • Progress Bar
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Stored procedures
Decompresses a file that was compressed by fCompress.
// Decompress a file
ResDecompress = fUncompress("C:\MyDirectories\CompressedFile.txt", ...
<Result> = fUncompress(<Path of file to decompress> [, <Path of decompressed file>])
<Result>: Integer
  • 0 if the decompression was performed,
  • an error code (value greater than 0) otherwise. The error code message can be retrieved using the ErrorInfo function with the rrMessage constant.
<Path of file to decompress>: Character string
Name and full (or relative) path of file to decompress (up to 260 characters). A UNC path can be used. This file must have been compressed by fCompress.
<Path of decompressed file>: Optional character string
The following cases are supported:
  • To decompressed a file under a given name and in a given directory:
    Name and full (or relative) path of the decompressed file (up to 260 characters). A UNC path can be used.
  • To decompressed a file under a its initial name (before compression) and in a given directory:
    Directory (string ending with "\" or ":") of the decompressed file (up to 260 characters). A UNC path can be used.
  • If this parameter is not specified:
    The file is decompressed under its name and in its source directory (before compression). Caution: The source directory must exist.

Error codes

The following error codes are returned:
  • 1: The file to decompress cannot be opened.
  • 2: Unable to create the decompressed file. This error occurs:
    • if <Path of file to decompress> and <Path of decompressed file> are identical,
    • if the directory of <Path of decompressed File> does not exist.
  • 3: The file to decompress was not compressed by fCompress.
  • 4: The file cannot be decompressed: the file is copied.
  • 6: The decompress operation was canceled by the user: fStopCompress has been executed.
  • 7: Insufficient space to create the decompressed file.
The error code message can be retrieved using the ErrorInfo function with the rrMessage constant.

Files compressed with the earlier WINDEV versions

fUncompress can be used to decompress files compressed with earlier versions of WINDEV and WEBDEV.
WINDEVReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)

Progress Bar

In Windows, to view the progress of file decompression, use Event to process the CompressProgressBar message (1174). When this message is received, the _EVE.wParam variable contains the percentage of file decompression.
Component: wd300std.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 08/22/2022

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