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Stored procedures
Finds one or more emails according to the criteria specified in the messaging software (Outlook, messaging software using the IMAP protocol, ...).
This search is performed in the current Outlook folder.
Reminder: This function cannot be used to find one or more emails in the Outlook Express messaging software.
MySession is emailIMAPSession
MyEmail is Email
// Find the emails containing "PC Soft"
// in the message subject or body
// Only the incoming emails are taken into account
IF EmailSeekFirst(MySession, MyEmail, emailSubject + emailBody, ...
"PC Soft") = True THEN
// Enumerate the emails found
WHILE MyEmail.Out = False
// Displays the sender and subject in a Table control
TableAdd(TABLE_EmailFound, Email.Sender + ...
TAB + MyEmail.Subject)
// Next email found
EmailReadNext(MySession, MyEmail)
Info("No email was found")

Seeking in an Email variable Hide the details

<Result> = EmailSeekFirst(<Session> , <Email> , <Email section> , <Sought value> [, <Read mode>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if one or more emails have been found,
  • False otherwise. If an error occurs, the ErrorOccurred variable is set to True. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
If no email was found, ErrorOccurred remains set to False and the Email.Out variable is set to True.
<Session>: Integer, or emailOutlookSession or emailIMAPSession variable
The session can be:
<Email>: Email variable
Message in which the search will be performed.
<Email section>: Integer constant (or combination of constants)
Email section where the <Sought Value> will be sought:
emailBodyBody of emails.
emailMessageIDIdentifier of emails.
emailRecipientRecipients of emails.
emailSenderSenders of emails.
emailSubjectSubjects of emails.

These constants can be combined.
<Sought value>: Character string
Value sought in the emails.
<Read mode>: Optional constant or character string
Indicates the messages that will be read:
emailAll or "ALL"
(Default value)
The search is performed in the read emails and in the unread emails.
emailUnread or "UNREAD"The search is performed in the unread emails only.

Seeking in the Email structure Hide the details

<Result> = EmailSeekFirst(<Session> , <Email section> , <Sought value> [, <Read mode>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if one or more emails have been found,
  • False otherwise. If an error occurs, the ErrorOccurred variable is set to True. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
If no email was found, ErrorOccurred remains set to False and the Email.Out variable is set to True.
<Session>: Character string, integer, or emailOutlookSession or emailIMAPSession variable
The session can be:
<Email section>: Integer constant (or combination of constants)
Email section where the <Sought Value> will be sought:
emailBodyBody of emails.
emailMessageIDIdentifier of emails.
emailRecipientRecipients of emails.
emailSenderSenders of emails.
emailSubjectSubjects of emails.

These constants can be combined.
<Sought value>: Character string
Value sought in the emails.
<Read mode>: Optional constant or character string
Indicates the messages that will be read:
emailAll or "ALL"
(Default value)
The search is performed in the read emails and in the unread emails.
emailUnread or "UNREAD"The search is performed in the unread emails only.
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 06/21/2023

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