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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Date and time functions
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Stored procedures
Stops a stopwatch and returns the time elapsed (in milliseconds) since the start of timing (call to ChronoStart). This stopwatch can be restarted by ChronoResume if necessary.
New in version 2025
WEBDEV - Browser code Variables of type Chrono are now available in browser code. The syntax for handling Chrono variables also becomes available.
// Start the stopwatch 
// Stop the stopwatch 
DurationMyFunction is Duration = ChronoEnd()
Info("The MyFunction() process lasted " + DurationMyFunction)
// Start the first stopwatch 
// Start the second stopwatch 
// Stop the first stopwatch
DurationChronoStart is Duration = ChronoEnd(1)
// Stop the second stopwatch
DurationMyFunction is Duration = ChronoEnd(2)
Info("MyFunction() process lasted" + DurationMyFunction, ...
	"The whole process lasted " + DurationChronoStart)
WEBDEV - Browser codeReports and QueriesWindowsLinuxAndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystJavaUser code (UMC)
MyChrono1 is Chrono
MyChrono2 is Chrono
// Start the first stopwatch 
// Start the second stopwatch 
// Stop the first stopwatch
DurationChronoStart is Duration = ChronoEnd(MyChrono1)
// Stop the second stopwatch
DurationMyFunction is Duration = ChronoEnd(MyChrono2)
Info("The MyFunction() process lasted " + DurationMyFunction, ...
	"The whole process lasted " + DurationChronoStart)

Ending the timing started with a stopwatch number Hide the details

<Result> = ChronoEnd([<Stopwatch number>])
<Result>: Duration
Time elapsed (in milliseconds) since the last call to ChronoStart for the specified stopwatch number.
PHP This parameter is an integer.
<Stopwatch number>: Optional integer
Identifier of stopwatch used. If this parameter is not specified, its default value is set to 1.
PHP This syntax is not available in PHP

Stopping the timing started with a Chrono variable Hide the details

<Result> = ChronoEnd(<Stopwatch>)
<Result>: Duration
Time elapsed (in milliseconds) since the last call to ChronoStart for the specified stopwatch.
<Stopwatch>: Chrono variable
Name of the Chrono variable that corresponds to the stopwatch to use.


If ChronoEnd is called twice on the same stopwatch without ChronoStart being called, the returned duration will be identical for the two calls (the stopwatch is stopped during the first call to ChronoEnd).


A WLanguage error occurs ("The stopwatch is not started") if ChronoStart was not called before ChronoEnd.

Threads and parallel tasks

Each thread (and each parallel task) includes its own stopwatches.
Two distinct threads (or two distinct parallel tasks) can perform separate timings by using the same stopwatch number.
The WLanguage error "The stopwatch is not started" will occur only if ChronoStart and ChronoEnd are not called in the same thread.
Related Examples:
The Chrono functions Unit examples (WINDEV): The Chrono functions
[ + ] Using the ChronoXXX functions.
These functions are used to calculate the time passed between the start (ChronoStart) and the end (ChronoEnd).
Calculations on durations Unit examples (WINDEV): Calculations on durations
[ + ] Calculations on dates and times with the WLanguage functions:
- Calculate the duration between two moments (dates and times)
- Calculate a sum of durations
- Calculate an average of durations
The Chrono functions Unit examples (WINDEV Mobile): The Chrono functions
[ + ] Using the WLanguage "Chrono" functions.
These functions are used to calculate the time passed between the start (ChronoStart) and the end (ChronoEnd).
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300vm.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 10
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Last update: 11/05/2024

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