Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Control functions
  • ParentObject and the MDI windows
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Stored procedures
ParentObject (Function)
In french: ParentObjet
Identifies the "parent" of a graphic object: control, column, window, page, ...
WINDEVReports and QueriesJavaUser code (UMC)
// COL_Column1 is in TABLE_Table1, which is in the WIN_Window2 window,
// which is the child of the WIN_Window1 window
ParentObject(COL_Column1)    // Returns "TABLE_Table1"
ParentObject(TABLE_Table1)      // Returns "WIN_Window2"
ParentObject(WIN_Window2)    // Returns "WIN_Window1"
ParentObject(WIN_Window1)    // Returns ""
WEBDEV - Server codeAjax
// COL_Column1 is in TABLE_Table1, which is in the PAGE_Page1 page
ParentObject(COL_Column1)    // Returns "TABLE_Table1"
ParentObject(TABLE_Table1)      // Returns "PAGE_Page1"
<Result> = ParentObject(<Object name>)
<Result>: Character string
  • If <Object name> is a control, <Result> corresponds to the name of the window (or page) to which the control belongs (even if the control is in a tab).
  • If <Object name> is a column, <Result> corresponds to the name of the Table control.
  • If <Object name> is a window, <Result> corresponds to the name of the parent window (or to an empty string ("") if <Object name> has no parent window).
  • If <Object name> is a page, <Result> corresponds to the name of the frameset (or to an empty string ("") if <Object name> has no frameset).
<Object name>: Character string
Name of the object (control, window, page, column) whose parent must be found. A WLanguage error occurs if the object is unknown.
WINDEVUser code (UMC)

ParentObject and the MDI windows

ParentObject used on a window opened from a MDI child window returns the alias of the MDI child window.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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