- UTF-8 and ANSI conversion
- Conversion in PHP
UnicodeToAnsi (Function) In french: UnicodeVersAnsi Converts: - a character string in Unicode format into a character string in ANSI format (Windows).
- a buffer containing a string in Unicode format into a buffer containing a string in ANSI (Windows) format.
Reminder: - ANSI is the character set used in Windows.
- Unicode is a character encoding standard. Unicode is used to manage different languages and character sets.
MonBufferAnsi is Buffer
MonBufferAnsi = UnicodeToAnsi(MonBufferUnicode)
Converting a Unicode string Hide the details
<Result> = UnicodeToAnsi(<String to convert> [, <Charset> [, <Unknown character>]])
<Result>: String or buffer Character string in ANSI format. <String to convert>: Unicode string Unicode string to convert. This parameter can also be a string in ANSI format containing Unicode characters. <Charset>: Optional Integer constant Character set that will be used for the conversion. | | charsetAnsi | Roman characters in ANSI standard. | charsetArabic | Arabic characters. | charsetBaltic | Baltic characters. | charsetChinese | Chinese characters (People's Republic of China). | charsetCurrent Default value | Uses the current character set specified with ChangeCharset (charsetOccidental by default). | charsetDefault | Uses the computer's default character set. No character set is forced. | charsetEastEurope | Eastern European characters (Polish, etc.). | charsetGreek | Greek characters. | charsetHebrew | Hebrew characters. | charsetJapanese | Japanese characters. | charsetKorean | Korean characters. | charsetMac | Mac Roman character set (used in previous versions of Macintosh). | charsetOccidental | Roman characters in ANSI standard. | charsetRussian | Russian characters. | charsetThai | Thai characters;. | charsetTraditionalChinese | Traditional Chinese characters (Republic of Taiwan). | charsetTurkish | Turkish characters. | charsetUTF8 | Used to manage UTF-8 (used in XML, for example). | charsetVietnamese | Vietnamese characters. |
<Unknown character>: Optional character or constant Character to use if an unknown character is encountered during the conversion process. The NULL constant allows you to use the default system character.
Converting a buffer containing a Unicode string Hide the details
<Result> = UnicodeToAnsi(<Buffer> [, <Charset> [, <Unknown character>]])
<Result>: Buffer Buffer containing an ANSI string. <Buffer>: Buffer Buffer containing a string of Unicode characters to be converted. If <Buffer> contains an ANSI string, the result will be undefined. <Charset>: Optional Integer constant Character set that will be used for the conversion.
| | charsetAnsi | Roman characters in ANSI standard. | charsetArabic | Arabic characters. | charsetBaltic | Baltic characters. | charsetChinese | Chinese characters (People's Republic of China). | charsetCurrent Default value | Current character set specified with ChangeCharset (charsetOccidental by default). | charsetDefault | Uses the computer's default character set. No character set is forced. | charsetEastEurope | Eastern European characters (Polish, etc.). | charsetGreek | Greek characters. | charsetHebrew | Hebrew characters. | charsetJapanese | Japanese characters. | charsetKorean | Korean characters. | charsetMac | Mac Roman character set (used in previous versions of Macintosh). | charsetOccidental | Roman characters in ANSI standard. | charsetRussian | Russian characters. | charsetThai | Thai characters;. | charsetTraditionalChinese | Traditional Chinese characters (Republic of Taiwan). | charsetTurkish | Turkish characters. | charsetUTF8 | Used to manage UTF-8 (used in XML, for example). | charsetVietnamese | Vietnamese characters. |
<Unknown character>: Optional character or constant Character to use if an unknown character is encountered during the conversion process. The NULL constant allows you to use the default system character.
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