AnsiToOem (Function) In french: AnsiVersOem Converts an ANSI string (Windows) to an OEM string (DOS). Accented characters are different in both standards. The conversion consists in modifying the accented characters. Reminder: - ANSI is the character set used in Windows.
- OEM is the character set used in DOS (or Windows console).
New in version 2025Res is string
ChaîneAConvertir is string ANSI = "Crème brûlée"
Res = AnsiToOem(ChaîneAConvertir)
<Result> = AnsiToOem(<String to convert>)
<Result>: OEM character string OEM character string. <String to convert>: ANSI character string ANSI string to convert. Remarks - AnsiToOem does not convert characters with an ASCII code between 0 and 31 (control characters).
- Caution: Do not use the AnsiToOem function with a string containing OEM-specific characters (accented characters): these characters will be transformed and the result will be incorrect.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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