- Deserialization
- Change of behavior in version 10: generating a XML serialization for the Mobile devices
- Speed
- Serializing the members of classes and structures
- Serialization name of classes
- Limits
Serialize (Function) In french: Sérialise Transforms the following elements into a specific format: - a structure (and its sub-elements).
- a class (and its sub-elements).
- an array (including the associative arrays).
- a queue.
- a stack.
- a list.
- an advanced type of variable (gglCalendar for example).
The available formats are XML, binary and JSON. Then, the initial format can be retrieved by Deserialize.
MyArray is array of strings
bufResult is Buffer
Add(MyArray, "WINDEV")
Add(MyArray, "WEBDEV")
Serialize(MyArray, bufResult, psdJSON)
MyRebuiltArray is array of strings
Deserialize(MyRebuiltArray, bufResult, psdJSON)
Serialize(<Variable> , <Buffer> , <Parameters> [, <Root name>])
<Variable>: Type of variable Variable to serialize. This variable is a structure, a class, an array, a queue, a list or a stack. <Buffer>: Ansi character string or buffer Variable that contains the result of serialization. <Parameters>: Integer constant Type of serialization: | | psdBinary | Binary serialization.
| psdBinaryFormat16 | Binary serialization compatible with version 16. This format must be used if an application in version 17 or later must share data with an application in version 16 or earlier. This format must not be used in Unicode mode. | psdJSON | JSON serialization. The encoding used corresponds to the JSON standard: - 7-bit ASCII encoding, i.e. the first 128 characters, unaccented characters,
- JSON encoding for the other characters: "\u" followed by the character code in 4-byte hexadecimal format. Example: for "é" (ASCII code 233, hexadecimal code E9), the encoding corresponds to "\u00E9".
| psdMinified | Caution: This constant must be combined with the psdJSON constant. Otherwise, it will be ignored. The encoding used corresponds to the JSON standard. This constant is used to generate a JSON by removing unnecessary spaces (carriage returns, spacing characters, etc.). | psdFormatting | Serialization in JSON or XML format with carriage return and indent. The encoding used corresponds to the JSON or XML standard. Caution: This constant must be combined with the psdJSON or psdXML constant. | psdXML | XML serialization with reference to sub-objects. This type of serialization allows you to use the XML format as storage and exchange modes between applications written in WLanguage. | psdXMLAggregated | XML serialization with direct aggregation of sub-objects. This type of serialization allows you to easily generate an XML file in a standard format to perform exchanges with other systems. Remark: A deserialization in psdXMLAggregated mode is available, however the WLanguage elements (variants, arrays, derived classes, ...) will differ from the source ones. |
<Root name>: Character string Name of the root of the generated XML. This parameter is taken into account in psdXMLAggregated mode only. If this parameter is not specified, the name of the root is "DOCUMENT". Remarks Deserialization The deserialization of an array, queue, list or stack deletes the content from this element. If there are additional members in the structure or in the class: - if a structure or a class is deserialized: additional members keep their values from before the deserialization.
- if an array of structures or classes is deserialized: additional members take the default value of the member type.
If there are additional members in the serialized buffer, they are ignored during the deserialization. To deserialize an untyped dynamic array, this array must be allocated beforehand. To deserialize a class or a structure containing an untyped dynamic array, this array must be allocated beforehand. The wd300xml.dll or wp300xml.dll library is necessesary to deserialize an XML document. Change of behavior in version 10: generating a XML serialization for the Mobile devices Until version 100050, the psdXML constant did not generate a valid XML file. The generated format caused problems on Mobile devices. This problem was fixed. An XML file created with a version later than version 100050 cannot be read by a program compiled with an earlier version. To keep the operating mode of version 100050, all you have to do is use the psdXML_OldFormat constant. Speed The binary serialization is faster than the XML serialization. Serializing the members of classes and structures By default, all the members of a class or structure are serialized. You have the ability to precisely manage the serialization of each member: - by specifying the member that will be serialized during the call to Serialize.
This operation can be performed on all types of serialization (XML, JSON, binary).
 Feature not available. - by changing the name of the member during the serialization with Serialize.
This operation can be performed during a binary serialization only.
 Feature not available.
This management of serialization is performed by using the following syntax: - Serialization (or not) of a member :
<Nom du membre> est un <Type du membre> [, Sérialise = <Vrai / Faux>] [, xmlAttribut] - Serialization and change of member name:
<Nom du membre> est un <Type du membre> [, Sérialise = <Nouveau nom>] [, xmlAttribut]
The "xmlAttribute" extension attribute is used to specify that the member is created as attribute (instead of tag). This attribute is taken into account during a psdXMLAggregated serialization only.
Example for a class: Cl is Class // Membre sérialisé MembreSérialisé is int // Membre non sérialisé MembreNonSérialisé is string, serialize = false // Membre renommé lors de la sérialisation MembreRenommé is int, serialize = "NouveauNomMembre" END Remark: To avoid serializing an array member, use the following syntax: t1 est un tableau <Sérialise = Faux> d'entier t2 est un tableau <Sérialise = "<nom de sérialisation>"> d'entier Serialization name of classes The "Serialize" extension attribute is available for the classes in order to specify the serialization name. The following syntax is used: <Nom de la classe> est une Classe [, Sérialise = <Nouveau nom>] Example: CTest is Class, serialize = "Test" m_sNom is string, serialize = "Nom" m_sPrenom is string, serialize = "Prenom" m_sSuitePrenom is string, serialize = "SuitePrenom" END sXML is Buffer monTest is CTest monTest.m_sNom = "Mon Nom" monTest.m_sPrenom = "Mon Prénom" monTest.m_sSuitePrenom = "Mon Prénom Mon Prénom" Serialize(monTest, sXML, psdXMLAggregated) // Contenu de sXML où l'on retrouve bien les noms de la sérialisation: // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> // <Test> // <Nom>Mon Nom</Nom> // <Prenom>Mon Prénom</Prenom> // <SuitePrenom>Mon Prénom Mon Prénom</SuitePrenom> // </Test>
Related Examples:
Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Serialize/Deserialize functions
[ + ] This example explains how to use the WLanguage functions Serialize and Deserialize. The serialization consists in saving a variable, an object, a structure, an array or any other element in a buffer. Then, this buffer can be saved on disk or sent by socket. This allows for the persistence of objects. The Deserialize function is used to rebuild an object, an array or a structure from a buffer.
Unit examples (WINDEV): The Serialize/Deserialize functions
[ + ] Using the WLanguage Serialize and Deserialize functions The serialization consists in saving a variable, an object, a structure, an array or any other element in a buffer. Then, this buffer can be saved on disk or sent by socket. This allows for the persistence of objects. The Deserialize function is used to rebuild an object, an array or a structure from a buffer.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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