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  • Search performed on a "case-sensitive" item
  • Configuring the search options for an item
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CaseSensitive (Property)
In french: SensibleCasse
HFSQL ClassicHFSQL Client/ServerAvailable only with these kinds of connection
The CaseSensitive property is used to determine if the different searches performed on the item or the full-text index distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters (with HReadSeek, HReadSeekFirst and HReadSeekLast, for example). You can:
  • Find out whether searches on this item (or full-text index) are case-sensitive. The item or the full-text index has been defined in the data model editor or programmatically.
  • Enable or disable case sensitivity on an item or full-text index (when the item or full-text index is described through programming).
// Define how the case is managed in the Orders.Name item
Orders.Name.CaseSensitive = True
// Validate the data file description

Finding out whether case sensitivity is enabled Hide the details

<Result> = <Data file>.<Item>.CaseSensitive
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the case is taken into account by the searches performed on this item,
  • False otherwise.
<Data file>: Character string
Name of the data file used. This name was defined in the data model editor or with the File Description type.
<Item>: Character string
  • Name of the item used. This name was defined in the data model editor or with the Item Description type.
  • Name of full-text index used. This name is defined in the data model editor or with the FullTextIndex Description type.

Defining the management mode of case (item described through programming) Hide the details

<Item>.CaseSensitive = <New mode>
<Item>: Character string
<New mode>: Boolean
  • True if the case must be taken into account by the searches performed on this item,
  • False otherwise.

Search performed on a "case-sensitive" item

When a search is performed on a "case-sensitive" item, only the words with matching lowercase/uppercase characters will be found.
Therefore, if the customer name is "Smith":
  • a search performed on "Smith" will find a record,
  • a search performed on "SMITH" will find no record.

Configuring the search options for an item

  • To make searches accent-sensitive or insensitive, use the AccentSensitive property.
  • To make searches case-sensitive or insensitive, use the CaseSensitive property.
  • To make searches punctuation-sensitive or insensitive, use the PunctuationSensitive property.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 12/03/2024

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